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Everything posted by edna

  1. I´ve seen Bob Dylan live a couple of times, I found I had better times listening to his records. Maybe you should go to the BB concerts. Well, that´s my opinion, and I´m a fan of Bob Dylan. Go where your heart takes you...
  2. Jimi Hendrix would be releasing his 345th live album, wearing Versace. Mamma Cass would be marrying her 6th husband, a gay star 20 years younger, wearing Dior. Jim Morrison would be reciting poems, wearing Armani. Janis Joplin would be very close with Barbra Sreissand, Tina Turner and Mr. Geffen. Elvis would have become a priest.
  3. This one is very good, I like it!!! Welcome!
  4. edna


    Thank you too for the info, earth-angel... you see, I´m not very wise about computers, my husband takes care of all these things but he has no time lately. Thanks again!
  5. Great, so you can sing it to your little Sophia, she´ll learn it immediately... it´s exactely the song for her age!
  6. "Yellow Submarine" is actually half a Beatles album... there´s two songs I can´t stand, "Y.S" and "All together now". But it has also "Hey Bulldog" and "Only a Northern Song", at least in the UK version, and these are very good. It also has other songs that were included in the american version of Magical Mistery Tour and maybe, I don´t remember, in Sgt Peppers? Then it´s been re-issued in CD with other bonus titles. But it´s truly a pretty psychedelich compilation.
  7. edna


    Thanks XXX, I´ll see how to get rid of it. I´m told that macintosh don´t get virus but seems it´s not true...
  8. I found a trick: turn it off! You always know somebody called, the number remains.
  9. Good shot, Annabelle!!! Now it´s your turn...
  10. "Seven", of course...
  11. "Airplane", it goes on TV once a month or so. The other night I watched "Being John Malkovich". It´s strange... I think I liked it.
  12. New York Dolls? David Johanssen left - Billy Murcia died from heroin overdose. They did few albums...
  13. Flamenco, this is spanish folk music from the south. It´s dangerous for the road...
  14. edna


    No way to get rid of mine... three days with that Green Card offer...
  15. Steve Forbert: "Sadly like a soap opera" Bob Seger: "The Final Scene" Suzanne Vega: "Luka"
  16. All the Berlin album is the most sad of all my records... I never listen to it. It´s depressive more than sad... I also try not to listen to Leonard Cohen or Jacques Brel before the sun gets down.
  17. John Lennon wasn´t perfect, he wasn´t kind with women, specially his wife Cynthia Powell; he cheated and he was violent. As Julian Lennon said "Peace? There was no peace at home...". But he was fighting that devil in himself and trying to be a better person. He always recognized he had a machist behaviour. Of course, he was a diva, after all he was a Beatle... and a great musician, a great songwriter, he was in the right place at the right moment. Oh, and very attractive, certainely. By the way, it was also the birthday of... Julio Iglesias... I love maple leaves, the red and the green ones... I´m a fan of Canada and Neil Young and Leonard Cohen and some other friends you don´t know coz they´re not known. Keep on rocking!
  18. Happy Birthday MC_____
  19. Daniel, that could be your lucky day!!! By the way, I hope they play in Spain, or at least in France, so it will be one of my happy days too.
  20. edna


    Funny, this morning I still have this Green Card offer... has it something to do with the web? Maybe the Spanish web? (they won´t offer G.C. to American...) If you know something about it, pls let me know. Autumn is here...Brrrrr...
  21. Thanks a lot, Gillian! I´m going to try... It can´t be difficult. Thanks again!!!
  22. He´d be 64. Tsss, tsss... As Ray Davis would say, "Thank you for the days"!
  23. sniff...
  24. I have a question, it´s not about music: I´d like to post some pictures or images but (I´ll say it again...sigh...) I´m moving and all my things are packed, even my scanner. Can I post them just by dowloading them from the web? Or from my own files? I just did it with a lyric and it worked... I don´t know why I thought it couldn´t be done... One more: how can I put an avatar? Thank you very much!!!
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