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Aeon Flux and Charlize Theron


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Has anyone here seen Aeon Flux, or know of her?

It was a cartoon on MTV in 1991-1992?

It's about Aeon Flux, a bad-a__ chick!

Anyway, it was pretty graphic, lots of body counts, sex, fetish stuff going on.

I just heard that Charlize Theron is going to play her in a live action movie.

Aeon Flux will make Tomb Raider (Angeline Jolie) look like Barbie.

I gotta go check this out! :shades:

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Hell ya man, I loved watching that show on MTV when I was like 10. Charliz was a perfect pick for Aeon, she can pull off the nasty skanky sex kitten part perfectlly. I still think it's hard to believe the guy who made the awesome Aeon Flux also made Reign: The Conquerer. You have any websites about this?

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I remember I used to tape Liquid TV back in the early 90s and that was one of my favourite serials they had going. They had two seasons of animated shorts and one full-on TV series with dialogue, which wasn't as good as the originals. Dunno what to say about the film adaptation, but Charlize is the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet :googly:

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I used to watch this on MTV around 10 years ago, I'm still surprised they're adapting it into a movie though, to me it's better off left animated, that was the main identity of the whole premise.

I agree with you Mindcrime. I was a fan of the show when it originally aired on MTV. I'm also not sure if Charlize Theron is the best choice for the part, but I'm not sure who would be.

Chalk it up to my misgivings about it being adapted, or the fact that I'm female. Whichever you prefer! :P

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I believe they have been talking about making this movie for some time now. I had heard at one time that they were thinking of casting Cindy Crawford for the role. Anyone who has seen her movie "Fair Game" knows that would have been a serious casting mistake. She's nothing more than eye candy.

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