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...and here's to you Mrs. Robinson


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N. Ireland's first lady in teen-sex flap


Post Wire Services

And to think her name is actually Mrs. Robinson.

Northern Ireland's first lady, Iris Robinson, is in the midst of an international scandal for acting more like Mrs. Robinson in the movie "The Graduate" -- enjoying a steamy affair with a boy toy 40 years her junior -- than as a lawmaker who up until last week staunchly defend family values in Parliament.

The 60-year-old seductress -- who is married to Peter Robinson, Northern Ireland's First Minister -- once grabbed headlines for referring to homosexuality as worse than child abuse.

Now, the press has embarrassingly dubbed her the "Celtic Cougar" for having sex with the then-19-year-old son of her former butcher.

The sizzling scandal forced the mother of three and grandmother of two to step down from her Parliament seat last week -- and her husband yesterday to announce he was taking a six-week leave of absence from his post, in part to care for his flailing wife.

"Iris is receiving acute psychiatric treatment. As a father and a husband, I need to devote time to deal with family matters," Peter Robinson said.

The hubby has to deal with major political fallout, too.

As head of the Protestant Democrat Unionist Party, Peter Robinson is heavily involved in the troubled region's peace process between Catholics and Protestants -- and the diversion that his wife's antics have caused is clearly undermining his work, some experts say.

The first minister also faces allegations of fiscal shenanigans stemming from his wife's scandal.

Last week, as news broke of Iris Robinson's adulterous liaison, the BBC reported that she had helped raise about $81,000 from two developers for her young lover, Kirk McCambley, to open a cafe.

But the BBC also suggested Peter Robinson knew about the money and kept quiet.

The married pair were no strangers to controversy before Iris' seamy trysts, some of which allegedly occurred in her and Peter's four-poster bed.

Their high-flying lifestyle -- including fancy cars and an international array of properties -- prompted the press to refer to them at one point as "The Swish Family Robinson."

But it's the sex scandal involving McCambley, a Roman Catholic, that could topple the power couple once and for all.

Iris Robinson had allegedly promised McCambley's dying dad -- with whom she reputedly also had a close relationship -- that she would look out for the boy after the father died in 2008.

She once reportedly called Kirk "the other son I would have loved to have been a mother to."

"She made sure I was OK," Kirk told the BBC, adding that he had known Iris Robinson since he was a little boy.

"Obviously, anyone who has ever lost a parent knows that it's an incredibly hard time, and she was there to help," he said.

The May-December pair's relationship turned sexual but ended late that year.

Last week, Iris Robinson released a statement saying she felt such guilt over the affair that she tried to kill herself in March.

She blamed the fling on a bout of mental illness.

"It began completely innocently, when I gave support to someone following a family death," she said. "I encouraged friends to assist him by providing financial support for a business venture. Regrettably, the relationship later developed into a brief affair."

The situation immediately was compared to 1967's "The Graduate," in which Anne Bancroft's older-mom character, Mrs. Robinson, seduces a fresh-out-of-college Dustin Hoffman.

Downloads of the Simon & Garfunkel song "Mrs. Robinson" -- which was featured in the movie -- last week soared 1,200 percent in Northern Ireland, Agence France Press reported yesterday.

Now, the editor of the British gay magazine Attitude said he is trying to contact Robinson's young former lover to ask him to become its cover boy.


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to care for his flailing wife.

She once reportedly called Kirk "the other son I would have loved to have been a mother to."

"She made sure I was OK," Kirk told the BBC

There's just too much good material here... I can hardly wait to see what Leno, Letterman, and Conan O'Brien will make of this...

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