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Everything posted by windy1

  1. Rocky Racoon, by the Beatles, do you believe that? Very out of character for me. It switched to American Pie though. Like Sammy, I played it over and over trying to learn the words. It actually took years, but I can sing the entire thing from memory. Good thing you can't hear me!
  2. They are constantly going on. Out in the sticks it's big(big big) business. But there are labs in the burbs right here where I live. In the town I live in there have been 2 houses that blew up from meth labs just in the last year. One had kids in it. It's disgusting. I think we took over the #1 spot from Ca about 5 years ago. Aren't we lucky?!
  3. ____ that is one cool sphere. I like staring at it, it's hypnotic. I tried to get keith back and now everythings gone.
  4. I just got some new mix cds from my cousin(he's a dj- mixes great cd's- no playlist with them at all!) Amphetamine Annie (Speed Kills) ~ Canned Heat Considering MO has the doubtful distinction of being the crystal meth capital of the US, This would be appropriate coming from me. ::
  5. Extremely cool. I've seen it. Mick of course is the devilish Ringmaster!
  6. Sunday Mornin'Comin Down Bobby Mcgee ~~ both written by Kris Kristofferson both about drugs
  7. I had never heard of her until Elvish got me on to her. She's fantastic! I'm really into blues, and any time I can find someone new(and a woman at that) I'm excited. I've got her first cd and am headin toward #2.
  8. This is the original version done by Rod when he was with Faces.
  9. I think someone here was correct with Boston, and I don't think Journey did any covers. I know one for sure - Captain Beefheart, and I believe Supertramp was all original material.
  10. On the US charts Elvis had Hound Dog and Don't Be Cruel. Can you have 2 #1 hits at the same time? I guess he was on a roll. (understatement)
  11. For Disc 2 ~ Carol ~ Chuck Berry
  12. Annabelle, I found my best friend( from age 7-14)who I hadn't had contact with for more than 30 years on one of those classmates websites. I went all the way back to grade school. It was dumb I thought at the time, but I was amazed to find her there. Now that is something I did take back-our friendship. We talk all the time now, even though we're in different states. Now everybody say aawwww! ::
  13. Oh Jr, what a man! I grew up with an alcoholic mother, one who would never admit it until just a few years before she died. I remember the nights she was drunk and lonely, and she would drag me out of bed, to cry and beg me to tell her how much I loved her. Then I'd get up and go to school the next morning. Tough stuff for a kid to deal with, and it's wonderful that you realize how hard it is for family. I've never been a drinker, and I know that's why. I remember too much.
  14. Oh poor cyber..I'm sorry I'm laughing so hard I can't finish
  15. The calmest face in Rock N Roll
  16. I don't think there are any new bands with that old rock feel. Not that I hear a lot of new bands, but if there were my kids would point them out to me. They are so disgusted with most new music they listen to classic rock or country.
  17. Oh my god how could I? He Lives in Lake St. Louis which is about 10 miles from me. He's actually pretty cool around here though, does lots of things for the community, Shops in local stores etc. Not that I'm a big fan or anything. ::
  18. We call Sheryl Crowe a hometown girl cause she taught school here after growing up in Kennet Mo. Mams's Pride Pavlovs Dog Two that aren't musicians, but come to town regularly: John Goodman (still has a home here) Kevin Kline My biggest claim to knowing the semi-famous however is Ray Hiatt, one of Santanas drummers from the 70's. He has a place at our Campground-and you ought to hear him on Karaoke night. Not only does he sing he plays air drums and trash barrel drums. You'd be amazed at the sound he can get out of a 50 gal. can!
  19. however, the most well known version would still be by Coven.
  20. Good answer ~ a smile goes a long way.
  21. C'mon. I knew I was going to get answers like this. XXX what you say is so true and profound. I am the eternal optimist, and try always to make something good out of something bad, even if is is just to learn from it, and I don't just mean just. That is important. I would not change my life, my marriage, children and living in the real world, have made me the person I am. But i still wish I had that degree. Sound a little like the Scarecrow don't I?
  22. Have you ever made a decision or done something that looking back you would do differently? Most people when asked say they would live their lives exactly as they have. I am wondering if this is necessarily true. Anything from shoplifting, or cheating on a important test as a kid, to something that was life defining. I think most people have something in their lives that they wish they had handled differently. For me it was getting married right out of high school, instead of getting that college degree that Daddy was going to pay for first. I would still have married the man I love today, but early marriage put a severe strain on the money situation, so college just never happened. How about you?
  23. 96 Tears ~~ The Mysterians. Love that organ!! ::
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