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Everything posted by daslied

  1. Is it about your blood flowing through someone else's body?
  2. Top 10 Best Porn Star Names 10. Peter North 9. Dick Smothers* 8. Harry Reams 7. Cara Lott 6. Big Bad Mamma Jama 5. Christy Canyon 4. Magic Johnson 3. Johnny Wad 2. 1.
  3. Top 10 Best Porn Star Names 10. Peter North 9. Dick Smothers* 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. * - Yes, it's his real name. Yes, that's his dad.
  4. "Stuck In The Middle With You" - Stealers Wheel Surely that's on there, from "Reservoir Dogs"?
  5. He's only three feet tall.
  6. Tom Waits - Alice Jeff Buckley - Grace Any Chopin
  7. Well, I like it. The first stanza feels a bit odd until you read the entire thing, and then the last stanza bookends it nicely. It's angry, but I would expect nothing less from a punk. My favorite couplet: "Despair? Self-loathing? It's in your clothing." Good stuff.
  8. I think that before one or two people would crack up at one, so the person that made the post would find a new picture. It was very informal, so whoever wants to post one should post one. We don't need to come up with 716 captions for one picture.
  9. Sorry. I'm now trying to avoid certain ones like this, where I have a desire to answer yet forget the rest of it...
  10. "Rocket man, burning out his duodenum up here alone."
  11. This one disappeared, but I always liked it. Especially when Sammy's around. The rules, should you not remember: 1. Post a caption to the picture. 2. Audience vote seems to determine the "winner". 3. Said "winner" posts a new picture. So, have at it.
  12. Thanks, Joe, for that. I'm trying my best.
  13. As if it already wasn't stuck in my head... Thanks!
  14. I think he's just delusional. Right after he said that, the doctor asked him how much he'd had to drink. He also freaked out when the pharmacist was going to call his dad to verify the prescription. "Don't bother", I think he said. So I think the dad is still dead, and Jack's just loony.
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