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Everything posted by Heimann47

  1. Top Ten 5-word Phrases That A Woman Doesn't Want To Hear From Her Husband 10. Was your green sweater important? 9. My mother's coming to visit. 8. I thought you were tighter 7. "Doctor says they're genital warts." 6. Your little sister's pretty hot! 5. I'm moving in with Albert. 4. You should know... I'm gay. 3. 2. 1.
  2. S'mores! Nothing beats melted chocolate and marshmallow surrounded by graham crackers when you're sitting around a campfire and being devoured by mosquitoes! name your favorite drink (non-alcoholic)
  3. We will not die this way (this is absolution) Death claims us no more (no more) Do not grieve, end the suffering We will live, live eternal This is Absolution - Killswitch Engage Word up: Painless
  4. Top Ten 5-word Phrases That A Man Does Not Want To Hear From His Wife 10. "Is that a bald spot?" 9. Honey, I'm doin' your brother. 8. Turn the other cheek, please. 7. Put the toilet seat down! 6. Honey, what are you thinking? 5. I just want to cuddle 4. Dear, are you finished already? 3. How did it get smaller? 2. 1.
  5. Yea, totally. I don't even know what you're talking about. This Vicodin's awesome.
  6. Psychostick has pretty funny songs. They're a comedy/metal group.
  7. What's that giant white stain outside that adult video store? The Human Torch was denied a bank loan.
  8. So, there was an intended 13% of creepiness?
  9. someone somewhere is in pain and not taking thier prescribed pain medication.
  10. very cool, jonny! the marching section's choreography was impressive as well.
  11. I got all four wisdom teeth removed.
  12. Wow, I just noticed. That's what my mouth looked like earlier today whenever I had to change out the gauze. Small world.
  13. Vicodin gets better the longer you stay up.
  14. Top Ten Occurrences At The Chelsea Clinton Wedding That Didn't Make It Into The Newspapers 10. The skywriter spelled her name wrong. 9. The constant murmur through the crowd, "Man, she's still ugly!" 8. The keg of Schlitz kicked even before the bride and groom exchanged vows. 7. The father of the bride got biz-zay in the bathroom, while Hilary talked to the press. 6. Susan MacDougal showed up drunk and started babbling incoherently about "Whitewater", "prison", and "that rotten b*stard Kenneth Starr!" 5. Monica was indiscreetly wisked in for a liason with Bill. 4. Hilary serenading the happy couple with a cacaphonous cover of "Stand by Your Man" 3. That fact that it had the largest attendance of blind guests in wedding history. 2. 1.
  15. I'm a tuner kinda guy anyway. I think I'll live.
  16. Granted. Good luck finding solid rocket fuel. I wish I had more of these wonderful little Vicodin candies...
  17. Not having to work any more this week. I should get my teeth pulled more often...
  18. Granted. Little did you know, they actually owned every other oil company operating in America. I hope you enjoy driving your car flintstones-style! I wish I didn't have to get my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow.
  19. Please tell me that I'm misinterpreting you when I think you support this.
  20. I'm getting my wisdom teeth ripped out of my face on Monday. I can't wait.
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