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Tony Baloni

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Everything posted by Tony Baloni

  1. Haha, it's ok. To be honest, I haven't listened to a ton of Yes albums. I'd have to say Close To The Edge is my favorite, though. I've heard Tales from Topographic Oceans only once, and thought it was pretty great.
  2. Haha! I had that once, not only was it awesome because it donned the great Colbert's face, but it actually tasted really good too.
  3. The only problem I have with that list is that Jon Anderson was not number one.
  4. We've been gettin hit pretty hard here in Detroit. It let up for a while last week, but last night it started up full force again.
  5. Well it looks like you've successfully hijacked another thread and completely changed the topic. Bravo.
  6. Every time I come to the creative writing section and see that there's a new post by you, i'm always excited to read it. Keep it up, man, this is really good!
  7. Well you can try to justify her gimmick anyway you want, but the bottom line is, she just isn't good. I don't like her voice.
  8. Her claim to fame is that she's an addict, and that song proves it.
  9. Jane, do you DJ an internet radio show or something??
  10. Have you heard the song Rehab?
  11. I never got it back. And yeah, I definitely think that if I could actually grow a goatee, I would be The Dude for halloween!
  12. I just have to say, Ron, "I am one of those rare individuals who sit atop Maslow's pyramid." I envy you for that. And Peaches, I love your new style! That IS a tasty burger! Well me and my friends thought it would be funny to take some picture as The Dude, a few weeks ago when we couldn't stop watching that movie. So here's one of 'em: And here's my friend as Sam Elliot: Say friend, you got any o that good sarsaparilla?
  13. No offense, but wtf is Pogs?
  14. I love the music in this!
  15. Don't hate me cause you aint me.
  16. I searched for a topic like this, and couldn't find one, so I thought i'd start a new thread. I'm curious to know who here does pugs (if they wan me to know, that is, lol) and also what everybody's various opinions on different types of pugs are. This being a music site, i'm surprised there weren't already a ton of threads on this! for the record: I don't do pugs, but I'm interested in hearing about anybody's firsthand experience with them.
  17. Haha, nice thread, a**hole.
  18. I don't know if you'd call Of Montreal post rock, well, some of their stuff is, but I like them a lot. And yeah, to whoever mentioned Mogwai, they're a really good band too. Ever seen the video for Hunted by a Freak? (I think that's what it's called)
  19. What do ya'll think of him? I was looking for some of his films online but could only find clips. What I found was very Monty Pythonish, with some extreme perverted streak. Any fans here? I wanna know what you think of his movies.
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