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Everything posted by Farin

  1. probably some cheap Apfelkorn Name the last non-alcoholic drink you had.
  2. Farin

    Name a Song

    Michael Caine ~ Madness Name a song about an actress.
  3. FM Belfast Berlin I'm From Barcelona Architecture in Helsinki Of Montreal Leningrad Cowboys Calexico New York Dolls A Sunny Day in Glasgow Beirut Tokyo Police Club it's fun to think of examples
  4. from http://www.buzzle.com/articles/satellite-internet-on-laptop.html also interesting: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satellite_internet generally accessing the internet directly via satellite is just like watching satellite television (so you need a dish) - only that you also need to send data back to the satellite as well
  5. Germany just won their 15th official match in a row (4:2 against Greece), which I learned today is a world record Also: fourth semi-final reached in the last four tournaments! next up against England or Italy...
  6. if it'S about age then I guess Mr. Jones is the odd one out since their songwriter was surely the youngest at the time of writing the song?
  7. This band started under the name: "Tony Flow & the Miraculously Majestic Masters of Mayhem"
  8. That sounds exactly like something you would create, really nice How about uploading it to Last.fm too?
  9. Farin

    Who is that?

    who? no
  10. Farin

    Who is that?

  11. still in the lower 20s here... I like it
  12. Nowadays there are *so* many ways to listen to music for free* - from hundreds of radio stations, over Pandora and Last.fm to on-demand services like spotify, grooveshark, deezer, we7, simfy, etc. etc. There's less and less *need* to pirate / steal music really * okay that depends a bit on where in the world you are, but we, living in the US, UK or Germany, definitely among the most privileged in that regard
  13. Farin

    Who is that?

    Are you guys stalling the game on purpose? If you know the answer then post it! Iggy Pop?
  14. Farin

    Name a Song

    Schism ~ Tool Name a song you like to listen to in the mornings
  15. Om Du Moter Varg ~ Detektivbyran (2008) "If you encounter a wolf" in English Jump in the Line ~ Harry Belafonte (1961) also famous for being featured in the final scene of "Beetlejuice" Summertime ~ Morcheeba (1998) still my most favourite version of the Gershwin song
  16. Farin

    Who is that?

    Elvis Costello?
  17. buying christmas presents, I guess...
  18. My first reaction was, that that can't be - Beethoven didn't live that long... but apparently it was only published 40 years after his death. Interesting, I didn't know that
  19. ^^hey look, it's JohnnyBoy Fitter Happier ~ Radiohead (This is the Panic Office, section nine-seventeen may have been hit. Activate the following procedure.)* fitter happier more productive comfortable not drinking too much regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week) getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries at ease eating well (no more microwave dinners and saturated fats) a patient better driver a safer car (baby smiling in back seat) sleeping well (no bad dreams) no paranoia careful to all animals (never washing spiders down the plughole) keep in contact with old friends (enjoy a drink now and then) will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in wall) favours for favours fond but not in love charity standing orders on sundays ring road supermarket (no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants) car wash (also on sundays) no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate nothing so childish at a better pace slower and more calculated no chance of escape now self-employed concerned (but powerless) an empowered and informed member of society (pragmatism not idealism) will not cry in public less chance of illness tires that grip in the wet (shot of baby strapped in back seat) a good memory still cries at a good film still kisses with saliva no longer empty and frantic like a cat tied to a stick that's driven into frozen winter ******* (the ability to laugh at weakness) calm fitter, healthier and more productive a pig in a cage on antibiotics * this is looping in the background throughout the song
  20. OK Computer ~ Radiohead ...is getting 15 years old these days
  21. Farin

    Who is that?

    No, I didn't... why should I? That's like doing a foul in sports just to see if the referee's paying attention... "oh well, it was worth a try"
  22. Farin

    Name a Song

    Ruin ~ Cat Power Name an album that was released 15 years ago.
  23. Farin

    Who is that?

    I have no idea actually and why is nobody giving the right answer then?
  24. tragic but given that Radiohead is probably the biggest touring band worldwide it could have been a lot worse too...
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