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Everything posted by Steel2Velvet

  1. Saw a great wall poster on FB today. It featured a picture of green-faced Margaret Hamilton, with the caption: The Wizard of Oz - the ultimate chick flick. Two women trying to kill one another over a pair of shoes.
  2. While in the reception area, what was the one-armed hillbilly's answer on the fill-in-the-blank medical questionaire, "Fingers ......."? Keep on keeping on
  3. There are few things in life that I am VERY SURE of; but one of them is this: After the evening dishes, cups and silverware are casually, haphazardly placed into the sink for washing, there is a better than 80% chance that the initial stream of water from the engaged spigot will land in the center of an upturned spoon and be rejected back out, all over the counter top.
  4. Top 10 songs you would've liked to have heard Whitney Houston record 10. Dirty Deeds 9. Cocaine (Crack is Whack remix) 8. Splish Splash 7. Danny Boy 6. I Like Big Booties (And I Cannot Lie!) 5. Don't Stop Believin' 4. "Two Minutes Silence" (originally by John Lennon and Yoko Ono) 3. Can Your Pussy Do The Dog? 2. Mrs. Brown You've Got A Lovely Daughter 1.
  5. .. at just the thought of those googly eyes undressing me.
  6. Yeah, I once started a poem about you, Kevin. But got stuck trying to come up with a rhyme for "pitiful." Sittingbull, maybe? (Would hope that would not, however, inhibit my chances to qualify as a one-night valentine.)
  7. The new progressive answer to happiness:
  8. Top Ten Reasons Mondays Suck 10. The leftover pizza from Saturday night is now dry and crusty. 9. Back to work (although I'm thankful I can) 8. My weekend hangover still hasn't gone away 7. Ashton Kutcher is on tonight. 6. There won't be any Monday Night Football for 6 months 5. Because Tuesday ain't exactly a bright horizon either. 4. 3. 2. 1.
  9. Listen to her groundbreaking early music and you can understand how her - then unique - controlled pitch variations influenced an entire generation of vocalists like Mariah Carey, Destiny's Child, etc. The artists who followed her style became the templates for today's American Idol-type pop vocalists. Until she got too good ... she was great. I'm shocked at today's news, but not surprised.
  10. Really. I always thought that was some sort of pointer to her cleavage.
  11. Top Ten Weird Al Songs or Cajun Specialties 10. Smells Like Nirvana 9. Crawfish Fiesta - courtesy of Prof. Longhair 8. "The Saga Begins" 7. Another One Rides the Bus 6. Polkas On 45 5. Alligator Jambalaya 4. Like A Surgeon 3. 2. 1.
  12. What is the title of the gay pride parade protocol handbook? The rising tide
  13. What chilling performance can we look for next from Mr. Costner? Keep it to yourself
  14. Jenny, tell your hubby that pro photographers are rarely paid to emphasize her olfactory system. In fact, I have seen several Gisele spreads and until this post, I didn't even know she had a nose!
  15. Which business hosts the worker's union with the most cohesiveness? Supercalafagelisticexpealadocious
  16. For what 3 things does the small print on the back of a pack of Trojans say they are most effective? Calvin Klein's latest fragrance
  17. Rocky, have you seen the 6 or so Hobbit Production Video Blogs? Here's the first one. Check them out.
  18. Thanks Tim. Amazingly, I started hearing about The Hobbit in early November, so when I read that it would be out in late December, I just assumed 2011. Silly me.
  19. Which came first; the Honky Tonk Woman or the Rock and Roll Madonna? I guess coming up with an original tune all the time can become more and more difficult.
  20. I am surprised at the risk to remake this one and not fear audience disappointment. Gregory Peck will ALWAYS be associated with Captain Ahab. Richard Basehart may easily have been replaced, but that be all ... arg mate. Has no one here seen The Hobbit? Would love to read a review of it. It has not come to Brazil yet.
  21. When it comes to matters of dating, give me romance over strategy and planning any day (or night.) Sure, one sentiment threatens greater heartache, but the other is more akin to a sporting event. I will take the off chance for honest, mutual bliss over the need to always keep score of the relationship. Like a lightning bug, display the same attributes you look for in a mate. You will find reflected what you shine.
  22. Would have been nice to see you develop it for maybe one more stanza before that last one. Nice stuff, Ray.
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