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Everything posted by scott

  1. haha, I just watched Full Metal Jacket. ditto on the whole 'work of art' thing... no one makes movies like Kubrick tho if I had to pick an absolute faveorite, I'd have to go Strangelove, I know it's not his most intricate or 'arty' but it's soooo funny "MEIN FUER I CAN WALK!" it's all the more impressive that Peter Sellers was the only actor that Kubrick ever let improvise.
  2. I'm not sure that Paul knows exactly what he's talking about they strum their guitars, and then download it? So bands are going on stage, playing a few chords.... then going back to their hotel rooms, firing up limewire, and downloading..... those chords that were just strummed? Look, there are a lot of crappy bands out there (fall out boy... every other 'altpunk' band that are popular with douchebags that enjoy wearing designer labels and drinking mountain dew, and doing other things of an extreme nature) but it seems to me that Paul's just putting a string of words together that vaguely constitute a musical criticism.
  3. and one last thing on SMs ability that is undeniable he is one of, (if not the absolutely) only rock musicians to make full use of dynamics (they're this thing in music, that musicians were using for hundreds of years before the modern era) with the electric guitar, an innovation that puts him near the top regardless of everything else.
  4. I remember the first time I saw a picture of all the chili's together and thinking "what is will ferrell doing there?" maybe he has an alter ego... have chad smith and will ferrell ever been seen in the same place?
  5. ultimately I reccomend the whole album, as I seriously have not heard anything this good in...sincce bush took office. and I doubt that back in the day someone had to say anything more than "Led Zeppelin II, go buy it"
  6. oi, sorry, lazy there aren't any youtube videos out yet as the tour kicks off in minneapolis on wednesday (a show which I will be attending) here is a clip of the Malk actually playing, it's from his pavement days, but he's only gotten better 'grounded' a truly heartbreaking song. and it showcases both his mad skills, and his stage presence, both of which like none other You can go to his myspace page http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=16349952 and listen to the whole album there my fave cuts are Dragonfly Pie, which is where he cranks out the hendrix 'cold son' which is the perfect pop song. and wicked wanda, because it has this great spaced out verse(the part where he goes Strike..strike,strike me square) and for pavement buffs familiar with the smashing pumpkins pavement 'feud' it has an especially satisfying solo, as he uses the tone that billy corgan used for the whole siamese dream album (you'll know what I'm talking about) and plays a minute solo that absolutely crushes everything that corgan did.
  7. I love tom petty's voice it totally sucks, but it sounds so... I dunno, natural and just 'right' for his music. Couple that with the fact that he's written some of the most truly beautiful music in American rock history. The 'She's the one' soundtrack is a true gem, and a truly odd work, as it has some of Tom's best, most touching songs, but he put them on a movie soundtrack, crazy Out of all those seventies 'rock' groups, Tom Petty truly stands out. You know, amongst Aerosmith, and all those other blues/rock/folky incarnations of the same thing.
  8. Every single jazz technique-check Every inversion, every key- check Ability to play in and out of key- check Fuzzed out, amp up, psychedelia in-check That is the core of Hendrix, and is also what SM does, reguarly, and he isn't dead. Then SM goes on and adds alternate tunings Advanced melodic structure lyrics that don't suck I use the Hendrix comparison, because he does channel Hendrix, channel, not imitate, with the addition of crunch psychedelia to real emotional trash. This is not just my opinion, but one shared by many others, including Rolling Stone. Blahs, blah-humbug. I try to bring great tidings of music, but unfortunately it will die. New generation won't hear it, because their brains have been bombarded and addled by backstreet boys, pop-punk'alt'rock, and cellphone ring diddies. The old generation won't hear it, because their brains have gotten stuck on one mode, one track, the only hope is if society somehow musically rebounds twenty years from now, which is doubtful, and I will be old, which will make me sad. also, real videos from real emotional trash aren't even on youtube yet. just an all right cut of the title, but it's ruined with video game sounds, and then there's a soundcheck. I feel as tho I've become a musical Cassandra, I speak of these great things, but no one will ever listen.
  9. What I mean by old is those folks out there, that grew up with some awesome music, but then, something happened in their brains or in their life, or maybe they just turned on the radio one day and said "Everything sounds like crap!" and then gave up on music. If it wasn't one of 'their bands' releasing an album of songs that sound like their album before, and the album before that, and before that, and so on, these bands that were once great, but have grown stale, then you just won't listen to it. The fact is, there is awesome music being made every single day, but to let it slip from your mind, and to never experience music again is... sad. Stephen Malkmus is one of these artists. His band, Pavement, was rock'n'roll to the soul for their first two albums, jagged punk guitars, awesome lyrics, and an amazing stage presence, then they hit a turning point (their 'rubber soul, if you will') and expanded into super melodic rock, which is just as fresh and creative as their first two efforts. Then SM went solo, forming a new band 'The Jicks' and released three all right albums. Then he added a new drummer Janet Weiss, from Sleater-Kinney, and she can kick meg white's pale butt from room to room, and now the jicks are fully formed. And now, he has released 'Real Emotional Trash' a masterwork of the highest order, and has accomplished a feat few modern musicians have, gone from an amazing band, to solo artist, with a few mediocre albums, and then rocketing back to a creative tour-de-force. During all this creation, he also managed to be the greatest guitarist of the last generation. and I'm not one of those guys with a big 'guitar hard-on' in fact, I was kinda getting tired of listening to guitars, until I heard the first bit of 'Real Emotional Trash'.
  10. Then buy (right now!) Stephen Malkmus' new album 'Real Emotional Trash' he cranks up the fuzz, writes great pop songs, has a ten minute song (that doesn't suck) and goes for a full on psychedelic freak out. He plays like Hendrix, and is at times, more creative. BUY IT NOW!
  11. haha, thanks man, I figured I'd break up the chatter for a bit I mean usually as far as 'technique inventing' it usually gets as deep as "Yo bra, Eddie Van Halen invented neck tapping" "no young son, neck tapping was in Edgar Winter Group!" "STEVE VAI!!!" and I just gotta say, neck tapping, big deal, what about the guy who stuck screwdrivers in his guitar to make it sound like a church bell?
  12. God Bless You Mr. Rosewater- Kurt Vonnegut very good, goes into my top five fave Vonnegut books.
  13. Thurston Moore of Sonic Youth Having already mastered all the technique guitar has to offer, and being able to play every inversion, every note with ease Thurston grew bored, so he took the guitar to new extremes, using alternate tunings like no one else had (or has, and I doubt ever will) and got amp distortion down to a science, he has also made numerous 'prepared guitars' (a la john cage) by using household objects, and whatever he could get his hands on, to create new sounds. There was one guitar that he stuck screwdrivers under the frets, used an old piece of crap amp, cranked it all the way up, and it sounded like church bells. Stephen Malkmus- Not only can he play anything, he can come up with melodies that no one can come close to. He makes 'playing' out sound like childsplay, and has come up with more interesting guitar techniques than anyone else, including your steve vai 80s glamor types. He is also a master of dynamics, something you don't see in rock guitar...ever. and for anyone who needs proof of his prowess, see his new album 'real emotional trash' in which he proves that he can play like Hendrix- the man who deserves the number three spot. 1)Malkmus (for technique, melodic composition) 2)Thurston(creativity) 3)Hendrix 4)Django 5)Clapton.
  14. I lack enthusiasm, but I overbrim with recording technique, so yes, let this idea begin. If you have an idea, PM me, and I'll give you my email, because as much as I love advertisements for penile enhancements.... I'm not sure I wanna put my contact info into the great wide open. I have an 8-track, and mad skillz, and if anyone wants some advice on mic set up or anything, hit me up. I can also arrange string parts like crazy, so we can make some swirling symphonic pop masterpiece.
  15. Lyrics are Poetry so good lyrics are good poetry Now, most poetry that you hear of and study at school is poetry that is telling a story or talking about something so everyone automatically thinks "Hey, good poetry tells a pretty story!" but they are wrong, good poetry is all about meter and rhythm syllables even more so with music Lennon wasn't writing with the words meaning in mind he was writing to the meter. A tradition that's been carried on by Stephen Malkmus.
  16. Stephen Malkmus album has come out already, and I am already ready to declare it my fave album of '08. Real Emotional Trash is a milestone in rock'n'roll, SM keeps his crazy poetry and indie voice, all accompanied by the greatest guitar work of the last 20+ years. For anyone who hasn't figured it out yet, Malkmus is one of the greatest guitarists of all time, since his start in pavement, he is one of the only players since the injection of the electric guitar in rock'n'roll to use dynamics... and use them well. With his solos, he takes you in and out of key, but never out of the song, and uses this tension to launch you into a completely different direction- see, "Real Emotional Trash' it , as a ballad-y slow jazz guitar work, goes to a expositional section, which seemlessly takes you to a full on freak out, with screamed crazy lyrics and uptempo kick-assness. -Anyway the album rocks, and I get to see malkmus in... five days. Hmmm... what am I looking forward to... new R.E.M. supernatural superserious fuels my hope that they have actually remembered how to rock, I have a feeling that Mike Stipe has given back some creative control to Peter Buck (he was always my fave member...) Other than that, it is too early to say what's lookin' good But Real Emotional Trash satisfies all my needs for the entire year.
  17. scott


    I fire back lack, yet poignantly to all the Dexter-haters out there, who find that there is no artistic merit in the story of a serial killer. The Portrait of Dorian Gray Macbeth. What schlock!
  18. Ringo is one of my fave drummers, there's some complicated stuff that he just nails thru out the Beatle's catalog For example, Paul had a habit of changing tempo and time signature several times in the span of a song, and Ringo would nail it Also, with the intensive double track and triple track process that the Beatles pioneered (I say pioneered... not invented mind you) ringo always got his drums right on target And he never, never missed a beat.
  19. scott


    It's just so good! Me and my girlfriend have been watching it, and we occaisionally find ourselves conflicted... "This is sooo creepy... but so well written!"
  20. scott


    I just started watching this show, and it rocks, I'm super addicted, hasn't been a show that gets so in your face with the psychological analysis of criminal behavior since the x-files.
  21. I will be eternally torn between TWBB and NCFOM I mean, TWBB is P.T Anderson in top form... I mean Magnolia is so perfect he could have just stopped making movies, or made Magnolia over and over again, but instead he went for making original films over and over (yes, I know it's based on the Sinclair book... but it's still a very original film) TWBB also has the milkshake scene! and that great theme of corporate takeover and religion, and the combination of the two TWBB also has that Johnny Greenwood score! And as an oscar sidenote, the academy needs to deliver an apology to PTA for awarding Crash the best pic nom... Crash is to put it simply and with a fair amount of crass... the excrement that Magnolia leaves behind after a full meal of Indian food. But.... NCFOM, was soooo awesome, just a great old time western, as done by the Coens, I mean, a sheriff, a man in black, a gruff hero... badass! and that silent shotgun that Shigur uses, ZZIIP!
  22. Royal Jelly- the 'Bob Dylan' song, is probably my favorite from the movie.
  23. Crooked Rain Crooked Rain- Listen, enjoy, live- and remember how it feels to rock. Radiohead is great, because they bring musical skill and majesty to...music Nirvana was great cuz they knew how to get punky, and noisy, Pavement has the musical skill of radiohead, the jazz skillz of radiohead ( lean a little more 'free' jazz than RadioHead...) but they lack the pretense and pretentiousness that some may find in Radiohead take the punk rawness of Nirvana, the ability to rock, but take away Nirvana's mopeiness and sad attitude, and you get Pavement, the greatest band of the 90s, and arguably the best ever.
  24. As big a proponent of evolution I may be... I spent a good amount of time in a dorm, and on the one hand, I feel anger and animosity towards those dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb young men... yet on the other hand, I kind of have to feel sorry for them...
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