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Everything posted by Aunt_Acid

  1. My opinion hasn't changed. It is still overrated. I just like it a lot though. It's not the best album ever, which is what all of my friends that are huge Who fans think. But that doesn't mean I don't like it.
  2. I was going to make a tool joke, but my smartass machinery isn't functioning too well today.
  3. Red Pliars. So I'm half normal and half abnormal.
  4. Why do they call it parts 1-6 if they are all on the same track? To me, that is the most pretentious thing Pink Floyd has ever done.
  5. That's what I was thinking. Except, what would one consider an intro?
  6. Did I say three or four? I meant zero or zero.
  7. Yeah, Fire Water Burn was what they called it on the site I was at, but the lyrics only had the chorus.
  8. Yeah! Iron Butterfly never got the credit they deserved. I've heard live recordings, and they sounded awesome live too. You gotta love that Vox. I still think ELP was one of the coolest Metal bands. Well I guess you could call them Progressive Rock. But I hear in person, they are all as.sholes.
  9. 'Pon A Hill belonged on either Piper At The Gates of Dawn, or UmmaGumma.
  10. A terrible show, but I think I just realized why the theme song was Sgt. Peppers. Because the singer is introduced as Billy Shears, and Billy has two syllables, just like Wonder, and shears rhymes with years. Billy Shears; Wonder Years. Coincidence? I think so.
  11. Wow, an anonymous websurfer was looking at this, and I was about to go back to the Main Index, but then I thought "hey, didn't I start that thread?" then I clicked on the thread and as I read on, I was reminded of Jayson. Where the hell did he go? And yeah, yeah, where the hell is Mindcrime?
  12. One of the better theatre organists of the 20th century
  13. Teach your children "The one they picked" "And when they bi.tch"
  14. I think they just sampled it. I know it was in that sh*tty Michael Moore movie. I'd like to see less of Michael Moore. Watch, I'll bet Fox news is going to start putting that on bumper stickers.
  15. Maybe it's because Mormons like to bitch about things that don't matter.
  16. He has the worst enunciation I have ever heard. And he puts emphasis on the wrong syllables. "two middle aged dykes in a go-go" becomes "n'ttahh millad dock in uh ahh guh guh"
  17. Someone's become Blind Melon's bi.tch lately.
  18. Oh, it's "If the winds of change come down your way girl"
  19. Ha, me too. Also on that album, in Love Lies Bleeding, I can't remember what the actual line is, someone told me once, but I swear he is saying "If the wind don't change, I'ma down your bed girl"
  20. And besides, Sheryl Crow sucks.
  21. Who the hell started this stupid dorking thing? It's not clever. V Conformist sheep.
  22. Tommy. A different style of concept albums than Pink Floyd, but I love it.
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