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Abortion Doctor Killed In Church

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I know that you are sitting there giggling your little a$$ off, because you like nothing better than stirring the sh*t, and tossing out bait, regardless of the topic, but I'm really curious, is there anything you do respect?

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Farin, my assertions that the genocide being enacted into law in the late 30's while a society rolled their collective eyes at those warning of that genocide is rightfully and entirely relevant to the conversation of mass extermination by an industry of death in America, under the guise of "civil liberty." So, it would not qualify as falling under Godwin's Law.

Furthermore, I find it extremely incredulous that you deny my having adequate knowledge of 1930's Germany - certainly not equivalent to yours, a citizen of that nation; and yet feel quite inclined to indicate (by your "doh" symbol) that you also surpass my knowledge of 1970-2007 Americana.

You must read a lot. ;)

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I know that you are sitting there giggling your little a$$ off, because you like nothing better than stirring the sh*t, and tossing out bait, regardless of the topic, but I'm really curious, is there anything you do respect?

Simple. When people have a point of view that differs from mine, however wrong they are, I don't see it as stirring up ****. Life's way too ******* short to get indignant and offended by what strangers say :beatnik:

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Oi, S2V:

Anyway, am I right to assume you're vegetarian?

Don't think of pro-choicers as hypocrites. I promise, if murder wasn't illegal, I'd eat humans. I am not one to be all 'ok let's kill grownups and animals, but not eggs'

I hear white people are a bit flavourless... they must be the human race's equivalent of chicken.

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I'm jes' saying that humour's not humourous enough to qualify as humour, black or otherwise, since no one makes jokes about abortion. It's just poor taste and casts a bad light on pro-lifers.

Now it is you who is joking. I referenced a Kevin Smith movie where Jay says he hangs out at abortion clinics because the chicks are sluts there. There's a t-shirt hell shirt that proclaims "abortion tickles." One of the most famous examples of jokes about abortion and dead babies is Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal, which is a brilliant, biting satire against British doctrine towards the Irish poor.



There are Holocaust jokes, Jesus jokes, 9/11 jokes, terrorism jokes - in short, jokes about death and the dead, and everything before, after, and in between. By the way (and I've stated this before on this site), humans taste like pork :beatnik:

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That 'Abortions are fun' one looks a bit like a pro-lifer t-shirt.

Also, I read a research study done on cannibalistic tribes where they tried to explain how different races taste different. The whiter you are the worse you taste, or something.

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It's an abortion joke, nonetheless. I can't distinguish who said it and what kind of humour a pro-lifer would have (I'd say it could very well be the same as a pro-abortionist's).

I've read medical books and pharma research books where they discuss skin medications and practicing how to do sutures/sew skin. If human skin was of the same quality as chicken, they wouldn't go to the extent of practicing and testing on pigs :beatnik:

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I don't think pro-abortionists see it as a joke - they're not going to use an 'abortion is fun' t-shirt to promote their point of view. It strikes me as more satirical and used in the aforementioned black humour sense.

See, the gist of this line of thinking is that you don't think (that pro-abortionists are capable). Whereas it is true that anyone is capable. It is not that I think, but that I know :beatnik:

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Being Freudian would be useful in a case like this because I'd say you are projecting your thoughts into my words, but I don't think that's true, so I'll just say you're sticking your words into mine, and stop fiddling with my sentences, stop *swat* hands off! bad, bad child!

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No, it's not projection. I use the phrase "I think" if I cannot recall something correctly or if I doubt the veracity of my own statements. Maybe you should stop writing the phrase "I don't think" whenever you are certain of what you do think. Usually, I encounter this kind of interjection when spoken, such as the word "like" and the phrase(s) "you know"/"know what I'm sayin'?" It is a hard habit to break :beatnik:

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Of course it's not projection, that's what I said! Projection is a baseless Freudian concept.

Anyway, I'm not going to stop writing/saying the 'think's 'cos I'm never infallible (not even in my anti-Freud tirades :( ) and I don't like coming across as a know-it-all when the one thing I DO know is that it's impossible to know it all. Sure we have teh internetz, but I'm still an old-fashioned fan of Socrates. I don't know everything, I don't know much at all - I know more than most about some things and less about others, but no facet of my knowledge is complete. So I say 'I think' and I may be right, I may be wrong, but I'm willing to hear what those of a differing opinion have to say.

Even when it comes to Freud. Dammit. :mad:

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Writing "it's not projection" is not the same as "I don't think it's projection." The tone is different. The latter reads less assertive and unsure. "I don't think pro-abortionists see it as a joke" is not the same as "pro-abortionists don't see it as a joke." You are either certain of what you state or you are not. It's not about omniscience, but about being clear and succint.

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See, I can't be ever be certain of a statement like 'pro-abortionists see it as a joke' and neither can you about 'anti-abortionists don't see it as a joke' since 100% positivity about either statement would mean that you have met and interacted with every pro/anti-abortionist on the face of the earth (which would boil down to EVERYONE) and you haven't done that, there's something I definitively know.

Next, I shall clarify - I don't believe in projection, therefore I don't think you are projecting (which is what 'I don'`t think that's true' translates to). However, in the event that projection IS proven to exist I would reconsider. in which case I would think you are projecting. But either way, I will never ever know for sure because it's what's going on in YOUR head and the only way I could know THAT for sure is if I were you. For now, it's not projection, because as far as I know (see?) projection doesn't exist.

So, I don't know everything - there are a lot of subjects out there and there is a lot of information available about each and in 22.5 years I haven't managed to learn and remember everything about everything I've come across and I don't think I ever will. My memory is not terrible, but it's not photographic.

The point is: it's natural to be uncertain, I don't feel particularly bad about it.

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