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Please, take a stroll on the lovely Pavement


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I'm starting this thread so that people who have witnessed the glory of pavement can talk about them.

From just praising their genius, their sound, the music, the vocals...

to discussing their underappreciatedness, the lyrical content (is there any at all?)

To talking about how it makes you feel... cuz all us pavement fans know there are songs that fit every mood

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Now I dunno if I'm fit to post in this thread, but I just listened to a number of songs after you and Radhi sounded so enthusiastic... and I really love every single one of them. I'm not usually one to get all worked up about a band after hearing seven or eight songs, but I think right now (and so far) I can say this is the best band I've come across in quite some time (apart from KS). And so far I particularly like Elevate Me Later and Spit On A Stranger.

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Don't worry, becoming super obsessed with them is quite normal after a couple listens.

They're one of those 'love or hate them' groups, generally speaking, a person either instantly becomes offense, or goes 'meh' on the first listen.

I remember when I first picked up Crooked Rain Crooked Rain- it was on sale, I knew absolutely nothing about the band, but the artwork was cool so I bought it on impulse.

I put the cd in my stereo as I drove home, and I became obsessed within 10 seconds of the first track (silence kit) I mean the guitar sounded nothing like anything I had heard, and when those drums kicked in, and Malkmus wail over top....

and Elevate me Later is excellent, as is Spit on a stranger- check out 'Shady Lane' it's the spiritual cousin of both those :)

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Another great track of Brighten the Corners is 'fin' the last one on the album (obviously) and it's very very melodic, and has a great guitar solo.

and you're into the who right? So I'm assuming that you like your rock high energy, and it doesn't have to be clean cut all the time, cuz if you want some great semi-sloppy full charged rock, a lot of stuff on the first album is great!!! Summer Babe is the kick off track, three chord vamp awesome lyrics, very high charged.

Then there's 'Two States' which is super simple, but punk in all it's greatness.

Then they have a few down-tempo gems Zurich is Stained is a good one, and Here serves as a template for all emo bands (now I'm hardly calling pavement 'emo'... they are quite anti-emo really... but listen to it and you'll understand)

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I probably should have paid more attention to Karren Ablaze, when she first recommended them to me about 15 years ago. :crazy:

I happen to have some vouchers burning a hole in my pocket, (leaving present from my ex-work colleagues), so an imminent Pavement purchase isn't out of the question. Which should it be, if any? :P

I haven't time right now to give you a profile of my usual listening habits / likes & dislikes. But I am kind of into punk-rock, UK indie / post-punk, U.S. alt.rock, etc. Sonic Youth, The Fall, Guided By Voices, blah blah-de-blah...Am I in the right sort of area?

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Crooked Rain Crooked Rain is definitely the best place to start- specifically the two disc mega re-issue, it has the original album + 1 1/2 discs of b sides, rarities, and outtakes- totaling over two hours of music- and it's the same price as a regular CD, and it may be as low as 7 bux on amazon.

It's a good place to start, cuz the sound is still kinda lo-fi, but it's not as weird as either their first (Slanted and Enchanted) or third (Wowee Zowee) and then if you like that, Slanted and Enchanted or Brighten the Corners (the fourth) are your best choices for a second buy... Terror Twilight (the last) is good, but lacks the spirit of CRCR, Wowee Zowee is in my opinion, excellent, but is easily the least accessible album, so save it for last.

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Oh and you're definitely on the right track with Sonic Youth and the Fall

With the fall, they're arguably the single biggest influence on Pavement's early style, in fact lore has it that John Peel played the Fall's frontman a cut from Slanted and Enchanted, told him it was a Fall song, and he believed it:)

with Sonic Youth, they've stated that Pavement is their fave band- Sonic Youth got a hold of some of their first singles and asked them to open for them when they released slanted and enchanted, so yeah if you're into Sonic Youth- Pavement should do you just fine.

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Thanks for recommending so many songs. :thumbsup:

I could only find a live version of fin, but that was quite amazing too... really liked that one!

And I particularly liked the last minute or so of Summer Babe... great song too.

I couldn't find Two States, but Zurich Is Stained is indeed a good one... though I liked Here a bit more. Dunno if it's just me but bits of it reminded me of Pale Blue Eyes.

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Ah great... I'm late to the discussion :/

I got into Pavement when I was fortunate enough to get into a discussion about music with my friend's brother and a couple of days later I was richer by a few million Pavement tracks. (I got other stuff too, but these guys had me hooked instantly.)

When it comes to their songs... I'm particularly fond of Carrot Rope, off Terror Twilight. Loretta's Scars (which just came on, coincidentally) is another favourite.

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