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Everything posted by daslied

  1. Crap, I was afraid you'd find this thread.
  2. All stowaways are welcome. Ella loves that one, as well as every other one. The concert's 70 minutes, so hopefully it'll be hit-packed.
  3. "Hamburger" was awesome. It had the dicky boyfriend from "Just One Of The Guys", and introduced me to the term "jerkin' the gherkin".
  4. OK, a clue, because I can't resist the reference: The band for the song I posted has the same name as really, really wonderfully bad 1980's kids' detective show.
  5. Blues Clues is still around, I think. But The Wiggles and Dora The Explorer seem to be the tops. If you'd have told me I'd know everything about 4 gigantic, 40-something children's performers I'd have cried. Ah, kids.
  6. Final verse, same as the first...but in French.
  7. I believe John Paul Jones played bass on "Hurdy Gurdy Man" and arranged it. That was also the session where he asked about joining Jimmy Page's in-the-works new group, supposedly.
  8. Going old school Wiggles, huh? Only if they're Underoos. Sorry, that was unintentionally a little disturbing.
  9. I greatly prefer a close proximity pelvic shimmy if the the giver of said shimmy is emotionally unstable.
  10. Disney Girls - Captain & Tenille
  11. Were they all in-concert videos?
  12. There are few sounds more beautiful than cats humping. Peaches, can we change your name to Yoko now?
  13. I'll be seeing The Wiggles. Can't f-ing wait.
  14. Rumor has it that Keith Richards' signature style was lifted from Ry Cooder after the sessions Ry did with the Stones. I don't know the veracity of the rumor, but it could have some weight. Oh, and try anything by Robert Randolph & The Family Band. They're kind of a gospel/blues/rock style, but Robert is absolutely blazing. And he plays a pedal-steel guitar, not just regular slide style. Another similar slide/hybrid guy is Junior Brown. He's traditional country, but he plays a double guitar - regular 6 string and pedal-steel. He's pretty amazing as well.
  15. At no point did it occur to me (in an r.e.m. state) that you may depart mid-year.
  16. Cat Scratch Fever - The Nuge
  17. Cash. Tango's a punk. Hi, Sammy!
  18. Hit close to home, Peaches? Not the trashy part, of course.
  19. I think it would be a fitting end. The Prince Of Darkness felled by bird flu.
  20. There are many. This one is probably the most comprehensive: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000002IWP/103-8036751-3669410?v=glance&s=music&vi=samples#disc_1
  21. I hope it was from fear and disgust. Actually, I hope something else that I'm not at liberty to say in public.
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