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Everything posted by Levis

  1. I'm sorry, WHAT? You can't compare Twitter and Tumblr they serve two COMPLETELY different purposes. Tumblr is a proper BLOGGING PLATFORM for pity's sake. Now Twitter/Facebook is a legitimate debate. Tumblr/Posterous is a legitimate debate. But Twitter/Tumblr is just - ... where did you even get that from? How would you even begin to draw a comparison?
  2. Tragedy - Okay This boy He really wanted this girl But he didn't have the time. She said "I want into your world" But he said "This world is mine." This boy He really wanted this girl But he didn't have the time. She said "Let me into your world" But he said "This world is mine." This boy He really wanted this girl But he didn't have the time. He didn't have the time.
  3. Enjoying it so far - I like how the vocals are underneath everything. Goes well with my black metal shoegaze
  4. Dole - Vanessa Van Basten because I saw the words 'post-rock' and 'doom'.
  5. Siren - 비둘기 ìš°ìœ Korean Shoegaze and the FIRST 'wtf?!' name in my library. Underground Sounds win? I think so!
  6. Reject 14 - Sea Exchange these guys have their albums available for free download over at bandcamp. They've only got a couple hundred scrobbles on last.fm but they're quite good. Not AMAZING OMG BLOWN AWAY but definitely good
  7. Worthy of a discussion I'd say So Lady Gaga - you can't ignore her, you can't pretend not to see her, you cannot avoid her. What do you make of her? There aren't many people in the music/entertainment business who provoke such intense love/hate reactions. It's unlikely that your opinion is 'meh' and if it is there's no point airing it here because it'd be nice to have a proper discussion about popular music and culture. imo - and i've mentioned this a couple of times already - I think Lady Gaga is fantastic. She's legitimately talented and she's a performer to the core. Have we ever seen her in 'normal' clothes? Doing normal things? does she buy groceries? does she wear Alexander McQueen heels when making a cup of tea? Does she own a pair of jeans? We don't know because all we ever see of her is a SHOW. She's turned herself into a work of art and it's such an elaborate, over-the-top and CONSTANT performance that I can't help but think she's having a bit of a laugh at the pop music industry and using herself to demonstrate its outrageousness. She's a spectacle and I love watching her. Also - she's not doing any harm as far as I can tell. So what's not to like?
  8. What do you think of Sunn O))), B-F? Legit music or nonstop guitar-tuning?
  9. The #pitchforkbumperstickers hashtag on twitter. MAR.VEL.OUS. I love twitter, it has the wittiest people!
  10. Well that's a bit naughty, larryjcbs Innervisions sounding rly nice to my ears - whatever I've heard of it, anyway
  11. Anxiety - Eddy Current Suppression Ring
  12. (I know) A Girl Called Jonny - Rowland S. Howard She's my... narcotic lullaby (I put my fingers in his mouth)
  13. Stop apologising, jeez, there's nothing wrong with it, you're doing the right thing and that is an excellent idea.
  14. A little glass of sherry and four squares of dark chocolate with toffee. O, the impoverished existence of the student
  16. I could see this being written about/by a therapist. First necessary requirement of a counselor is empathy . That's just my interpretation, obvs.
  17. You'll know me, I'm the one with the fringe.
  18. I'm not really a Moby fan, but I DO like Hotel - he went on a different tangent there, I dig it. not such a fan of 18, apart from Extreme Ways, maybe. Lift Me Up > Extreme Ways nonetheless.
  19. Songfacts isn't a very heavy site, from what I know. If it's not loading, it shouldn't be the modem's fault
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