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Everything posted by scott

  1. I agree with you on sarah marshall! I was quite surprised with the quality, and the amount of laughing I wound up doing.
  2. Pavement- Starlings in the Slipstream of the album 'Brighten the Corners' I really doubt it's it, but the lyrics in that song are a lot like the one you described.
  3. There are loads of vocals in symphonic music, Beet's ninth handel's Messiah lots of latin lots of choral stuff I know where you're coming from... I just like to nit-pick.
  4. sorry, austrian. but that means the spoke german right? sorry for being geographically ignorant. ...... I think bach was german tho.
  5. haha, sorry all I know is, I don't know what the words are, but it sounds great, and I understand it. Also, beethoven bach and mozart were all german... but I think we can all understand what they're communicating.
  6. also, It's not all about music and arts altho, I think they are veryveryveryvery important Lit programs are awful Goverment and econ, might as well just tell everyone to wikipedia the subjects and they get an A, I don't even want to try going into the streets and asking if anyone knows the three branches of government Even basic health and nutrition... the whole system needs a complete overhaul and I'd say start it by offering to subsidize those who would go to college to become teachers, and an increase in teacher salary because, who's gonna want to be a teacher, when going to a decent college is gonna inject debt straight intayer arse, only to graduate and land a job that pays....not so much. then the counterargument would be "why not just send the prospective teachers to a community college or second rate school?" yeah... I want all my teachers to have graduated from the local university... hooray. Trust me, I've had those teachers... you don't want them teaching your kids. So good, cheap educations for those who wanna be teachers. More schools schools are overcrowded, and there's no way you can learn like that simple as that. and much more
  7. I kept saying sigur ros, because they're from Iceland, and sing in a nordic language (norweigan maybe?) but it's heartbreakingly beautiful music, and even tho you don't know the words they're saying... you understand it. And, Lucky, I love math, it's great, geometry and all of that non-functional, yet highly brainbuilding trig stuff is great fun, and I definately see the importance of it. I am also aware of how bad we are at it compared to countries abroad. but focusing on just that one subject in an effort to turn a generation into calculators who are good at nothing else is... probably worse than being bad at math.
  8. In agreement to that point, to believe in something 100 percent and never open your mind to another possibility is foolish, to accept anything as certainty is dangerous. I mean, I certainly have delved into my 'spiritual side' on more than one occaision, I won't deny that there is something profound in just the ability to think, to be, to achieve sentience, and this soul, this realization of being, is surely more than just cells communicating furiously in my brain.... or maybe that is it. It's just that, Intelligent design is a horse dookie, it was made up by christians for christians, and all the texts and so forth have a christian agenda -see 'wedge document' Sure, you can believe that something larger than the human race, be it a deity, or some distant trans-univeral highly evolved space-species, but those ponderings are for a philosophy class, or a comparitive religions course, not a science class.
  9. oh I forgot you're bri'ish Yeah, not to be a d-bag and say 'it's an american thing, you wouldn't understand' .....it's an american thing...you wouldn't understand. Really, I doubt you would, the crumbling of our school systems are barely reported on in our own country.. I don't see it being huge news elsewhere (actually maybe it would be bigger news out there) it's really something you've gotta live to experience. The other thing, we're lookin' at foreign languages differently on opposite sides of the pond the fact is, america's big, and surronded by people who speak english, the exception being if you life down the south border, and most people there pick up a bit of spanish just by being around it so much. Most of us americans(sadly) will not have the chance to leave our country, and if we do, it'll be to Canada, our need to learn a foreign language isn't as functional as yours. I'm sorry, I'm a rambly poster. See, you're much more likely to actually arrive in a situation in which you will have to communicate specific sentences, questions, or demands, whereas over here, the purpose of learning a foreign language is more... academic, it's a way of connecting different parts of your brain, of opening up new passages in the noggin. Because of the nature of why we learn foreign languages in the US, it would make equal, if not greater sense, to focus on music, as it opens the brain to the exact same philosophy, of learning a new way to communicate, of reading a different 'language.' maybe that helps validate my point?
  10. sigur ros And budget cuts to one area is hardly what I'm proposing! that's the antithesis of my argument More money for schools, more schools, better teachers, fully fleshed out curriculums. less money for missle defense and gov. pork
  11. Right on, our little tykes need a foundation in the arts for sure, or else, how will we have souls? Now, I see that you are aware that schools are kinda suckin' right now but do you realize how bad it's gotten? thanks to the no child left behind act, high schools around the country are only doing two things-reading and math, that's it because, if something like 80% of your kids don't score proficiently on the readingmath test, your school gets it's federal funding revoked. so while all the attention gets pumped into those two subjects, which gets... painfully boring. everything else fades into the background When I was a high school senior, I took a government and an economics class, the government course was taught by a football coach, and the economics class consisted of a lot of coloring, and playing the 'stock market game' and these were classes for seniors, think about that, with the skyrocketing cost of a college education, that could be the only exposure to government and economics that a student will ever receive...ever! and meanwhile, our economy grinds to a halt due in part by misguided decisions by an undereducated lower class. WTF!
  12. Bitteralmonds, thanks for the assist, I was never very good at science, I just know a horseturd when I see one, thanks for using all the right words in that.
  13. If you take a foreign language, you will be able to communicate with one extra group of people. If you know music, you will be able to communicate with everyone. Music transcends language and culture, it is universal. You can convey every emotion, every moment of life through music, a symphony is packed full of every expression a human being is possible of making. Need proof? Understandable, I'm making a ballzy claim sigur ros. Furthormore, music requires multiple fields of discipline, making it very very very very very very important to the education of a child there is math involved, there are rules and guidelines, you spell with notes, you create, it teaches logic and reason, it allows a gateway to be opened directly from soul to the physical world. It integrates with every field of study schooling has to offer. I will also point out that I wasn't saying that we should eliminate foreign language from the curriculum, just that music should be reintegrated. and that everything should actually be funded.
  14. The intelligent design text books that were sent to classrooms, and started this whole riduculous 'intelligent design' debate, were written by creationists, and the original version had a passage which stated that the universe was created by a 'creator' hmmm... sounds like creationism in fact, there in the text, there is a passage where there's a typo, and you can see that the word creationsim was simply replaced with intelligent design. which is why I once again, ask you to brush up on your history of the case of 'people and pandas' in your own personal view of what 'intelligent design' might be, you may not see it as creationism... that's fine but, what the 'scientists' and text book writers who have made intelligent design define it as, is certainly creationism.
  15. Hey, schools suck they're underfunded, and the teachers are underqualified and the curriculum has been cut down to reading and addition. Music and arts are non-existant, even tho they're important, we've put stress on the idea that 'learning a foreign language is important' but have failed to grasp that music is a language, a universal language. College is completely unaffordable, which forces apathy upon many a high school student. The american government has decided that we can spend nine trillion dollars we don't have on imaginary missle defense shields and war effort, 21 billion dollars a week for warpuposes, but we can't afford to pay teachers better, expand the curriculum, build more schools, and actually teach the children of this nation. You can ignore it now, but it's gonna get kinda uncomfortable twenty years down the line when everyone's a complete moron and... gasp! They're gonna be in charge of taking care of you!
  16. Intelligent design is creationism, and it implies a 'god' or 'creator' quite implicitly I reccomend brushing up on your 'of people and pandas' history. You're right that the cause of the big bang cannot be totally explained. but this is a matter of evolution not 'how the universe started' but 'how life came to be the way it is on earth' something we have a very detailed history of earth forms, billions of years water forms our caverns, comets impact the surface, blah blahblah early life, fossil histories, genetic markers, bacteria development, and so on and so on There is not one, not one part of intelligent design based on any data of any sort.
  17. It's a hypothesis without any evidence, or data that could be tested. Which means, that it doesn't belong in a science classroom. That would be bad bad bad logic, and one of the great things a science class gives a student is a system of logic, even if the student can't remember any of the laws or equations ten years down the line, they should all be able to remember what the scientific method is, and how to look at things logically. Intelligent design is like a father telling his young child that the lamp turns on because of 'magic' furthermore, this de-sciencing of the public schools just serves as yet another blow to the student population. The public school system has faced enough budget cuts and overpopulation and curriculum dumb-downs, there are no more music and arts (surely no one on this board will miss those!) no decent food no decent teachers no literature and now, they attempt to take away science George Bush succeded in making the school system only care if you can read and add numbers together. We must save our schools, and no, the answer does not lie in privatizing the system, that's a truly ridiculous notion that would kill the country. If you were to privatize, it would either be a religous organization in control of your kids' minds and thoughts, or a corporate entity. Now, if you wanna send your kid to a christian school... hooray good for you, but what if your kid doesn't want to, what if the child grows up and accepts agnosticism, or logic, or athiesm, or just wants to lead a secular life away from it all, well guess what, there are going to be some problems, do you know how dangerous that stuff can be down the line to the psyche, how imbedded these notions of demons and hellfire and unicorns can be? Every day is a struggle, and if I allow my brain to make the slightest connection to a religous notion, or a passage from 'La Bible' or any other christly notion, and take that connection to a real life event, I can spiral down into a delusional, disoriented dissociative state of such horrors you would never believe. If we were to be taught by corporate interest... well when corporate interest was applied to music, we got, Brittany Spears! I'm sure applying it to the schooling of children will yield equally excellent results! So, in summation, the public school system must be kept public, and secular. For the good of the future. oh and "Won't it be a great day when schools can afford everything they need, and the army has to hold a bake sale to build a new bomber"
  18. Here's Thurston rocking out, this is off their latest album rather ripped their 'pop album' watch the power of his rock! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytADXZFzwH8 as an interesting side note, thurston is almost 50 (as is every other member of the band) Sonic Youth, young forever!
  19. Jimmy Page He was in a GREAT band, and he wrote great songs but as far as his guitar-ing, he's just using riffs that have been used since the days of Robert Johnson, he plays them very well, he's very creative with them, but it's nothing 'special' See, where Jimmy Page gets his greatness, is he was playing with three other incredibly great musicians- the product of the group was greater than the sum of it's parts. Jimmy Page without Led Zep... meh, he's all right, but loses that allure. Eric Clapton- he too just does the old Robert Johnson stuff, but he does it so exceptionally well, and stays true to those roots, so he belongs on the list, not as an innovator, but as the greatest blues man perhaps ever. Frusciante- He is great, because he takes the Chili Peppers from a so-so funk band, and propels them to full on rock levels his downfall- he can only play well in two keys. Hendrix- Hendrix is great because he is an innovator, he made his own sound, experimented with what he did, and that is why he is great. which is why Malkmus and Thurston belong on the same plain as Hendrix, they all refused to play like every other guy that's picked up a guitar. and David Gilmour... Syd Barrett was much better, another example of a guy who played with his own style. blargh, I'm gonna be grumpy.
  20. He sounds the most like hendrix on dragonfly pie I used the comparison simply to stir up interest. Barring Dragonfly Pie and maybe 'Real Emotional Trash' he goes off on his own style from there.
  21. I really enjoyed it, I know it's not one of his great 'sci-fi' masterpieces, but I like vonnegut where he gets folksy but most of all, I like to laugh.
  22. yeah, just with the way we're set up, we're forced to travel great distances every single day. Like right now, I'm a delivery driver, so gas prices suck majorly. But, when I lived in north dakota, there's like 300+ miles between every city, and if you want something done, or need drugs or whatever (haha!) you have to make that drive like once a week. Blaaahs to america I'm not saying we deserve it(low gas prices), but the powers that be don't want us to be able to just walk everywhere, we're kind of forced into driving.
  23. I'm in love with a soldier from baltimore from...BALTIMORE! FROM BALTIMOoooOHOHOHHHhhhh
  24. Tonybaloni you win many laughs for that line. And levis his solo stuff pre-emotional trash is pretty lackluster but emotional trash is so mind blowingly good, it requires repeated listening, go to the myspace page and check out 'cold son' it's badass and I get to see him live in just a few days, I'll update then.
  25. Yeah, I know, I just tried to expound a bit on the idea, by taking a line and actually analyzing it. so props to you props to me props all around dig homies?
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