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The "Stretch Walkman" and Zack!


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Submitted for your approval, a Sony Compact Cassette player-recorder that ISN'T a Walkman! Decrepit, er, Classic Tech seeker "Techmoan' found a long piece of "needs repair/for parts" Sony portable cassette tape machine that also "does shortwave radio." As expected, a "disintegrated into goo" rubber belt needs to be replaced and the circuitous path that drive wheel and guides lie upon require hard work. Did you know that LED lamps interfere with radio reception? Oh well, two steps forward, one step back. Big news! The "Moan Family puppets" are back, and "tech talker Zack" makes his debut, along with the Higgs-Boson particle! 

Edited by Otokichi
Just the thuing for non-Black Friday shoppers!
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