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Homeless Man Takes Up Internet Panhandling


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HOUSTON - A homeless man is part of an Internet experiment to get him some help, but is it at the expense of his dignity?

Tim Edwards does not like to talk about what got him there, but he has been roaming the streets of Houston for the better part of five years.

"A lot of times you just go to sleep hungry. But tonight, I know I am going to have something to eat. I am going to be alright," Edwards said.

Edwards said his new hope is thanks to his new job, but not everyone is convinced his path to improvement is guaranteed or ethical.

Edwards' new employers, who pay him a minimum of $100 per day, have started a Web site called


The site is all about Edwards and it solicits donations on his behalf. Vistors to the Web site can buy him anything from a cheeseburger to laser hair removal to a college education.

There is also streaming video showing what Edwards is doing throughout the day, although the video is available only intermittently for now.

Sean Dolan created the Web site with his father, Kevin, who was recently laid off by a software company.

"We had to make it kind of edgy to get the exposure and have people talking about it."

The Dolans promise all of the proceeds go to Edwards, and the Dolans do not keep any of the donated money.

"It all goes to Tim," Kevin Dolan said.

So what do the Dolans get out of the deal? They said they're getting exposure.

Their theory is if they can make Edwards popular, they can make anything or anyone popular, a bankable skill to attract big businesses.

"Take a homeless guy on the side of the street that has a sign, 'I should have used Monster.com,' and Monster. com just turned (someone) into a walking billboard," Sean Dolan said.

But is it ethical?

"You're going to find people who offended by anything you do. Judge the outcome, don't judge the process." Sean Dolan said.

Edwards does not have any complaints. He said he can now sleep at night knowing he has a source of income.

"This might be an avenue off the streets, a way I can climb up a little bit and get out of here."

© 2009 MSNBC

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maybe I'm out of touch, but I don't find there's anything wrong here... free enterprise, the guy is an adult, no one is getting hurt, in fact it's helping someone. If people want to make donations, why not?

It'll be interesting, however, when the homeless guy decides he's got enough money to go and rent himself a room or get new clothes, or get another job. It'll change the "integrity" of the idea. :crazy:

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maybe I'm out of touch, but I don't find there's anything wrong here... free enterprise, the guy is an adult, no one is getting hurt, in fact it's helping someone. If people want to make donations, why not?

It'll be interesting, however, when the homeless guy decides he's got enough money to go and rent himself a room or get new clothes, or get another job. It'll change the "integrity" of the idea. :crazy:

maybe you are out of touch. *poke-poke*

I think if there is any way anyone can help, not only change the status of an person, but even more the "future" of a person using publicity! I say - do it!

"give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach him how to fish, feed him for a lifetime".

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I agree with Shawna... yes, it would be great if all those people could learn how to fish... meanwhile, and even if it´s not our style, this man is getting some help. He´s not being offended but happy. I never watch any reality show, in fact I hate them... but that would be the same. So reality shows should be to blame too....

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