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Everything posted by katie_sane

  1. Handbags & Gladrags - Stereophonics [Cover of the original by Chris Farlowe (later by Rod Stewart)] Simple Twist Of Fate - Bryan Ferry [Another cover, I like this one more than the original]
  2. Don't know anything much about them beyond the song 'I'd Love To Change The World'. I'm interested though, because my uncle told me that Alvin Lee of Ten Years After is his pick for greatest guitarist ever. Was Alvin Lee really that good, and any song suggestions for me?
  3. Just want to jump on the Cold Chisel bandwagon too, the more I listen the harder I find it to believe they never caught on anywhere else. They are a tight band, fantastic songwriting, one and a half lead singers (Ian Moss does a great job when Barnesy isn't doing the honours). Unbelieveable.
  4. I don't know how to say this without sounding cliche, but it is The Beatles for me too. Sometimes I go for weeks without hearing them, then all of a sudden I can't get enough. I find it odd sometimes, that I could feel so strongly about a band which split up fourteen years before I was even born, but it is just the way it is. This is a quote from the book High Fidelity by Nick Hornby about The Beatles that explains it well:
  5. The Songfactor's Choice Top Ten #104 Just the one song missing from the Songfacts database this week: Sin City - AC/DC (1978) If you have any info on any of the songs mentioned anywhere in this thread, please feel free to post your knowledge here. Submissions on songs will be collated and sent to the main site and you will receive credit for your contribution. The Songfish thanks you.
  6. Juno (for the second time too ) 10/10 Dan In Real Life 4/10 Meet The Spartans 1.5/10 The Bucket List 6/10 I'm Not There 8/10 I'm going to see Run Fatboy Run this week and I have high hopes. I love Dylan Moran
  7. Ron, sometimes I just read your posts and sigh
  8. wow...thanks (((((everyone))))! The two men who rescued me both made contact today, and I felt stupid because I cried on the phone to both of them but I couldn't help it. Marc, I crashed into a parked truck, no one else was hurt. I wrote my own car off and have done considerable damage to the other vehicle. But, like you all said, I'm still here, in bruised and battered form, but still here. And I know I'm so very lucky. So thanks all again for your well wishes, you do me good *hugs*
  9. Thankyou Yes, except my entire body hurts...they said it was from the adrenalin? Anyway, I'm desperately sad I've lost my car. And my new ipod has a chunk out of it, as does my phone. AND my damn $400 sunglasses are wrecked too. I'm feeling very superficial None of that crap really matters though, I'm happy just to be here. It was terrifying...I was trapped upside down inside the car. They cut one of the car doors off so the ambo (paramedic) could get into the car with me and he cut me out of the car seat, then they covered me in a blanket so they could smash out the shattered windscreen and I crawled out that way. The neg driving charge is just a fine (about $200) and I lose some points off my licence. In Australia we have a demerit point system. You have 12 points on your licence, and if you loose all of those your licence is gone too, suspended.
  10. This Magic Moment - The Drifters Stop Draggin' My Heart Around - Stevie Nicks & Tom Petty
  11. Thankyou again lovely people, your efforts are greatly appreciated The Songfactor's Choice Top Ten #103 THREE songs this week: Roll On Down The Highway - Bachman Turner Overdrive (1974) Brother Louie - Stories (1973) Pushin' Too Hard - The Seeds (1966) If you have any info on any of the songs mentioned anywhere in this thread, please feel free to post your knowledge here. Submissions on songs will be collated and sent to the main site and you will receive credit for your contribution. The Songfish thanks you.
  12. Not really random, but instead of disappearing like I have been known to do, I thought I'd tell my fellow songfactors how I've spent the last 24hrs. I have a long commute to and from work...on the way home last night I fell asleep at the wheel and spent some time trapped inside the wreck until the ambulance and fire fighters could free me. Lucky the damage to me was minimal...shock, bad brusing, cuts and glass stuck in my hands. The ambulance officers said I owe my life to the seatbelt I was wearing. My car is a write off, I've been charged with negligent driving and can hardly walk (side effects from the impact). I feel like an absolute fool though. Anyone else had a bad day?
  13. Are you staying with family? How long are you here for? How exciting! Right now you are the closest Songfactor to me, since Chris is in Perth and Darryl in Brisbane. Melbourne is closer to me than either of those cities.
  14. Radhi! You're here! Impressions of Australia so far? Are you missing home?
  15. Future Games - Fleetwood Mac Hi Ho Silver Lining - Jeff Beck YouTube isn't working for me, can someone help with the videos? Thankyou
  16. Thankyou to my lovely contributors again! The Songfactor's Choice Top Ten #102 THREE songs again this week: Ophelia - The Band (1978) Wildfire - Michael Martin Murphy (1975) For Tomorrow – Blur (1993) If you have any info on any of the songs mentioned anywhere in this thread, please feel free to post your knowledge here. Submissions on songs will be collated and sent to the main site and you will receive credit for your contribution. The Songfish thanks you.
  17. If I'd have gotten here sooner, my top choices would have been the Wilson sisters from Heart, and The Runaways or Patti Smith. Tough decision, so I'm glad you guys took care of it for me Here's another one anyway: The Donnas Strutter - The Donnas Fall Behind Me - The Donnas And their myspace page, with songs off the new album is HERE. They're just a straight up rock n' roll band, no frills. They've been largely ignored by the mainstream, but they've stuck at it and are kind of the modern day Runaways.
  18. 1. If You Could Only See - Tonic 2. Back To You - Bryan Adams 3. Superstar - Sonic Youth 4. Do You Feel Like We Do - Peter Frampton 5. No More Heroes - The Stranglers 6. Love Song - The Damned 7. You Can't Do That - The Beatles 8. Badge - Cream 9. It's All Over Now Baby Blue - Them 10. Feel Like A Number - Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band
  19. I travel 200 kilometres each day to get to and from work. That's around 124 miles I think. Takes me an hour and a bit each way, depending on traffic. It's a real drag and turns every day into a 10+ hour day.
  20. I'm back, updating the facts again! Sorry for my lateness, our internet connection has been down for the best part of this week. The Songfactor's Choice Top Ten #101 THREE songs needing your help! Smoking Gun - Robert Cray Band (1987) Shine - Collective Soul (1993) We Just Disagree - Dave Mason (1977) If you have any info on any of the songs mentioned anywhere in this thread, please feel free to post your knowledge here. Submissions on songs will be collated and sent to the main site and you will receive credit for your contribution. The Songfish thanks you.
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