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Everything posted by CanAm

  1. I believe I need a drink
  2. Although he is an athlete and not a musician, I was devastated to hear that Gordie Howe has been severely impaired by two strokes and an old back injury. As a child, he was my hockey idol. He always seemed to be indestructible and he was such a badass that few players would ever challenge him. He was the total package: skilled, tough as nails and the only pro athlete to play in five different decades. He always loved children and made time to sign autographs for every kid who would wait for him after games. I hope you get better soon, Gordie. A lifelong fan!
  3. Trust me, I know. By rights, they should crush the Vikings but I know Murphy has been listening to me and is looking for a chance to slap me down.
  4. causing much consternation
  5. and such generosity is rare
  6. I sincerely hope not, Helena. If true, the world is headed for disaster.
  7. that he really isn't a square
  8. before he ate his eclair
  9. until he sat down in a chair
  10. Meanwhile, in Wahington D.C.,
  11. You're welcome, my dear. At many Canadian universities, Pro Palestinian and anti-Israel groups are popping up like weeds. Last week a group of McMaster University students launched a reprehensible campaign called "hug a terrorist". In an abhorrent and misguided attempt to portray terrorists as freedom fighters, these fools are only displaying their idiocy, hatred and bigotry for all the world to see. When Israel defends itself from barbarous attacks, these morons portray Israel as the aggressor. In their twisted minds, they have turned murder and acts of terror into acts of valour and the depraved perpetrators of these acts into freedom fighters. Unfortunately, university administrations largely turn a blind eye to the abhorrent rants of these groups despite Canadian laws which prohibit hate-speech. The president and CEO of The Friends Of Simon Wiesenthal Center For Holocaust Studies found the following message posted on his Facebook page the other day: "It is your unjust and terrorist ways that have people hating you. To support Zionist Israel is inhuman. I am sick of your atrocities and war mongering that I think the only way to get peace in the Middle East is to blow up Israel." The Palestinians are indeed oppressed. But Israel is not their oppressor. They are oppressed by their own murderous leaders and their hatred, ignorance and bigotry. It appears that many people learned nothing from The Holocaust. It appears that anti-semitism is alive and well in Canada and, I suspect, Europe and The United States as well. It is time for the silent majority to speak up and denounce these repugnant views. And for those who espouse these same views I have but one message. Get the hell out of this country and go join the like-minded hate mongers in the Middle East.
  12. My beloved Packers are on fire, but what the hell has happened to the Chargers? The offensive front line is a sieve right now and Rivers can't seem to do much right. The running game has dried up and the defense has not performed to it's capabilities. I think Shawna summed it up nicely. Sigh!!!
  13. I guess I'm not that cynical. You can't possibly compare what we have in Europe, North America and Australia with the situation in the Middle East. In the Middle East, racism and misogyny are ingrained and institutionalized. Christianity and Judaism have evolved, unlike Islam which is still mired in the Middle Ages. Violent, and intolerant people will always be with us. But in our society they comprise a very small percentage of the population and their abhorrent views are widely repudiated and their violent acts are punished. In the Middle East (Israel excepted) archaic views, barbaric cultural practices and violence are the norm. The only way Israel will have any degree of security is to expel all Muslims from Israel and build a security wall around the country much as various Chinese dynasties built the Great Wall to protect China from Mongolian invaders. Any sympathy I had for the Palestinians, evaporated many years ago.
  14. I couldn't agree more. However, they can't put aside their sectarian hatred long enough to accomlish anything worthwhile. Hatred and violence have become the region's raison d'etre. Until people learn to put aside their bigotry, hatred and antiquated beliefs, the cycle of violence will never end.
  15. A fellow Scotsman. He was not only an amazing bass player, but an accomplished pianist, a classically trained cellist and an underrated vocalist. He was also the co-writer of most of Cream's hits. He died too young. R.I.P. They must have one helluva band in heaven.
  16. Back To Wentzville - George Thorogood What Was It You Wanted? - Bob Dylan
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