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Everything posted by blue_n_white

  1. With all this "60's" talk,I feel a urge to find a Volkswagon micro bus,put some Doors music in the 8 track and smoke some....uhm...cigarettes?
  2. Yes. We had two rather large houses destroyed by our neighbors 6 years ago last week.
  3. Who is better,The Beatles or The Stones?? Who is better,Ledd Zepp or The Who? Are The Stones diverse? Should The Dixie Chicks said what they did? Are our leaders buffoons and idiots? Is world wide anarchy the answer? That should keep you busy for a spell
  4. Oh I have tons of tapes too. No way was I going to buy CD's to replace them all. I'm far to cheap for that
  5. Well I have always liked both The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. Do I know which was better? No. Do I care? No. Is it fair to compare? Probably not. I just like their music. Do I expect everybody to like their music? No. Do I like asking questions? Looks like it.
  6. I know what you mean and as I stated before,you can complain all you want. You have the right. I don't agree with what our leaders are doing and I don't agree with us always being or having to be the "worlds police". The point I was making was our country isn't the only one who has leaders who are buffoons and idiots. I don't think there is a worldwide shortage of those,unfortunatly.
  7. Went to see the new "Halloween" movie over the weekend. I went to see the original when I was a teen and it has always been my all time favorite "scary" movie. So I had to see the remake. It is VERY gory. The theater was full,with some parents with their kids. I am sure they were like me,reliving their teen years,but some took their kids and left. Today's gore is nothing like the gore of yesteryear I suppose. But I liked the movie,despite feeling like the movie maker went a little too far on the bloodbath. But if you like "scary" movies and remember going to films like this when you were younger,I think you will like it. Just be prepared for the gore and for pete sakes don't take the kids. Oh,it also has a pretty good soundtrack,including the creepy piano music from the original.
  8. Yes,that's what they did. But that's not what the above quote of mine was referring to. That post was directed at somebody who made comments about our leaders being "buffoons and idiots" and asking why they,not the Dixie Chicks,shouldn't be allowed to complain here in this forum. And my response was kind of like saying "those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones." Two different subjects within the same thread. That kind of thing.
  9. Tape player huh? Maybe I should have kept my 8 tracks after all.
  10. I think if they wanted to say something like that,they should have had the guts to say it in front of an American audience,not half the world away. And that's why they said it there,because they knew it would be supported by the crowd they were performing in front of. They didn't do it here because,at the time,they would have been booed off the stage or worse. It didn't take courage at that place and time for Natalie Mains to say what she did and that's what got me about the whole thing. She did it in front of a audience she knew would be receptive to what she was going to say. Courage isn't about doing something or saying something that you know before hand is going to be recieved well. Like I said,if she was going to say it,do it here. Or better yet,in Texas. That would have taken courage and maybe I would have respected it.
  11. Why didn't they just let them fight it out to the death? That way we would be rid of at least one of them,or maybe even both ...that was bad,even for me.
  12. You can complain all you want. But there is a saying that goes something like "fix your own house before you worry about your neighbors."
  13. I think Mick Jagger would have had some individual success if the Stones would have split early on. I'm not sure about the rest ot the band and I'm sure not even Jagger would have had the success members of The Beatles had on their own. I think this debate was about comparing the groups as just that,groups,not individual members,and that kind of debate can rage on forever. But you raise a interesting question and welcome to Song Facts.
  14. It's amusing when people from around the world try and tell Americans that our leaders are "buffoons" and "idiots". I am sure many Americans feel the same. Maybe I do too,but if I am an American and I voted for the buffoon or the idiot,or,I didn't vote at all,then maybe I could accept some of the blame for putting the idiots in office. Or by not voting,help keeping them in office. But I think those living outside of the U.S.A should maybe look at their own leaders and worry about them being buffoons and,or,idiots,and do something about it,since they live there. I think we Americans can take care of our own buffoons and idiots and we have plenty to keep us busy. And one final word about the Dixie Chicks and what they said. Freedom of speech is a right that should be cherished but there is such a thing as good taste and knowing when to say something and when not to. And also WHERE to say something. Just because one has freedom of speech doesn't mean you say something just to make a crowd you are performing in front of cheer a little louder.
  15. Well,I admire your guts for making those nominations. Brooks and Dunn have many,many hits to their credit and Shania Twain did bring fans into country music who didn't listen to it before. I have always listened to some country music. Grew up listening to George Jones,Patsy Cline,Willie Nelson,Johnny Cash and others. I still listen to those artists and some of the newer artists too like Martina McBride,who may have the best pipes in music today,and Little Big Town,who remind me of Fleetwood Mac in their vocals. There has always been good music in country. I doubt if your nom's wil make it in,but I sure admire you for making them.
  16. Not sure. Maybe before I got here,so therefor,I will weigh in. I think music is art. It brings out emotions in people much in the same way as paintings,sculptures,poetry,ect.,ect. And like with those arts,the beauty of music is in the eye of the beholder. Or since it's music,I guess that would be in the ear of the beholder .
  17. Well even "soft rock anthems" make it to the top now and again.
  18. I agree totally that they had the right to say what they said.That's not my point in this.My point is that they shouldn't have been surprised what happened after they said it. If I am a artist who is doing what I have dreamed of doing my entire life,I would have to ask myself if I would be willing to hurt my career or even destroy it by saying something like that. I think if it were me I would have thought maybe this isn't the time or the place. Of course this can be compared to the 60's and what part music played in all kinds of social issues,including the war in Vietnam. But it was done at a time when the war was unpopular and most,especially the younger generation who were fighting the war,agreed with the opinion of the musicians. At the time Natalie Mains made her comments about the President,he was very popular. If she hadn't made the comments then,but made the same ones today,hardly anything would be said. It's all about timing,epecially in todays world where news travels fast. Do I think people went overboard with the whole thing? Yes I do. I heard of somebody who used Dixie Chicks CD's instead of clay pidgeons during skeet shooting. But,that was their right too. I agree totally with the right of free speech but I also agree with those who feel that also gives them the right not to say anything if they dont want to and sometimes,especially if you are in the spotlight,that's the better choice. I respect your opinion Jane and you know I love ya .
  19. Well I don't mind if they throw in a little Bon Jovi now and again. They were a "hair band" when they started. But now they are like almost 50,and like me,the hair is startin' to go. But if Poison is played,off it goes
  20. I believe totally in freedom of speech and opinion as I stated in my post. I said Natalie Mains had every right to say what she did. But people,even some of their most passionate fans,had the right to say "You shouldn't have said what you said,where you said it,so I'm not going to buy your music anymore." It's all about freedom of choice. I think if you are in the spotlight and you say something that people may find offensive,don't be surprised if it hurts or even kills your career. If the goal of the Dixie Chicks when they started their music career was to make their political opinions known regardless of what it would do to their career,then fine,they succeeded. But my guess is their goal was to have a successfull music career.
  21. I think both are trying to hang on to what was a career at one time and will do anything to make some news,just to put their names out there. As if to say "Hey,I'm still around!" May want to add Britney Spears to that as well.
  22. I wouldn't say the Dixie Chicks have rebuilt their fan base. They have reached out to different types of fans by using MTV,ect. But they are a country group and they were a very good one at one time. No question they are talented and I think Natalie Mains had the right to say what she did. But if you are an artist that depends on people listening and buying your music in order to survive,you sometimes have to think before you speak or bite your tounge. I think instead of standing by what she said and being so combative about it,they could have let it slide and came out with music like they always made. Then the fans who loved their music,bought their CD's and went to their shows,may have came back. Plus,they may have gotten some airplay on country stations. I think they went overboard trying to prove a point and basically alienated most of their fans who may have came back if they had just let it die.
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