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Everything posted by scott

  1. ooo nice assist Peaches high five!
  2. I say keep it 21 for this reason B-man, have you been on a college campus yet? It's easy enough for frosh and sophomores to get a hold of a case of beer, and make it any easier, those little morons will all be dead in a matter of weeks.
  3. Blehs, I'll just grow my own in that case I also doubt that I will ever see it legalized in america, so the whole argument is kind of moot. -see, hardly idealistic
  4. No, the worst case scenario is clearly that we will spend our time rolling doobies in a van down by the river. I kid- I doubt that tobacco companies or any corporate entity would be able to get their hands on this hash, er, cash crop should it be legalized, there are already plenty of people that grow privately that are quite good at it, that would probably be more than happy to go public, and the usual marijuana smoker would be kind of wary about buying from 'One of those evil corporations, man'
  5. I'm gonna pimp pavement a bit, as it seems to be doing notsowell in this little competition ATTENTION! ALL FANS OF MUSIC, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHO APPRECIATED THE RAW ENERGY OF THE WHO, THE OCCASIONAL SLOPPINESS AND BRILLIANCE OF PUNK, GATHER ROUND! Pavement, is quite simply, brilliant, and with Crooked Rain Crooked Rain, they achieved everything you could want with sound, and then some. Check out the links of songs that Levis put up, they are awesome, then do some youtubeage to check out some music vids and live stuff, it's excellent
  6. Of course everyone knows that the worst case scenario would be that everyone would end up living in a van down by the river
  7. To answer your question Earth-Angel Smott is a man with a questioning, curious nature, and he used this 'binge' process to experiment with his own body, rather than relying on second hand fact and opinion, on the addictiveness of the substance, and it was fun- that might sound stupid/and or dangerous, but if the world is ever going to see mj as mostly harmless then there are going to have to be more people like smott. It comes down to 'Your body, your choice' And as far as comparing it to binge drinking, well, first off being a bit high is nothing like being drunk... not that I'm saying "GO DRIVE HIGH!!!!" walking is perfectly appropriate and fun anyway- but drunkeness is just so sloppy and occasionally painful, and altho it produces a bit of an 'elated' feeling, the crash to depression is horrible and immediate- whereas a mj 'burnout' is relaxing. also I would never be able to play music with any bit of alchy in my system, whereas mj is beneficial in the fact that it 'opens' my ears up and can better hear detail and background tones Tho while I consider myself fairly familiar with mj, not so much with that alcomohol, so you don't have to take my word for it and for your last question.. yes, not as much, unless I am giving a good reason to prove it's non-addictiveness once again. oh, and one last alco/mj comparison, if I had drank solid for 3-4 months, as in every day, and then promptly stopped, there is a good chance I would have developed the DTs, and been sicker than sick and shaky and awful for months afterwards... whereas when I started my mj 'withdrawal' I woke up, went for a jog and had some breakfast...
  8. Marijuana rehab is ridiculous.. Here's a true story... turn it into an after school special if you like. This is the story of Smott... see Smott was a brilliant student all thru highschool, and smoked marijuana off and on.. especially senior year...especially senior year, even thru all this marijuana smoked, Smott graduated the youngest in his class (16) Then the next year, Smott had no choice but to go to a state university, as it was all poor Smott could afford- for the first couple months Smott lived in a dormroom and was forced to live with morons and guys that like to run around naked, hooray, and all of those awesome classes that Smott took were an excellent review of all the books he could read in 7th grade. These first couple months Smott had no access to marijuana... Smott was very sad.. could this be depression resulting from a marijuana withdrawl... or possibly from having to wake up every morning and go to stupid classes with even..stupider ( ) classmates... lets find out After these first couple months Smott moved into a trailer with an old high school friend and smoked massive amounts of marijuana every day... Smott's mood improved, This ritual continued for four months, of constant marijuana use, Smott worked up the enthusiasm and determination to move to a state called... Schmodorado where he could pursue his true love, music. Now, after this marijuana binge, Smott decided to turn his own body into an experiment, for after smoking marijuana every day (several times a day...) for four months, if there is any negative physical effect.. surely he would feel it... surely he was a marijuana addict! Well It's now been over three months since I, er, smott last smoked marijuana, and have not had a single ache, shake or psychotic break.... You'd think that smott would have felt a symptom of withdrawal if thc was truly an addictive substance? Oh, and I also have a mindfull of melodies from those hazy days that will be put to tape soon, free samples for everyone when they're done!
  9. Yeah, I had absolutely no idea, I've always thought that it was a 'valid' rehab program... tho I question the validity of any marijuana rehab clinic But I was cruising the websites, and what they report as fact and evidence are echoed back to me by every right-wing anti-marijuana militia out there So can't we safely say that if Scientology claims marijuana to be dangerous... that it is quite safe? Holy crap-balls, Scientology is a lot creepier than I thought
  10. oh and according to Narconon, marijuana addiction is a very real, dangerous thing.
  11. Holy crap holy crap holy crap holy crap So, I was just pokin' around on the internet, following links, doing some reading... letting the internet follow the strange path of my mind (you've all done this before right?) So I stumbled upon some interesting... and disturbing information. Narconon... it is a popular drug rehabilitation program, the US uses it in the prison systems, the UK has it in schools, and it is also the source of a lot of anti-marijuana...facts (or lets call it propaganda) you know, marijuana and brain damage, marijuana- the gateway drug, marijuana is not commonly used... etc. I also recall getting several lectures during my high school years from narconon officials, and getting loads of pamphlets.... are you all ready for the disturbing part? I don't know if this is common knowledge, but it sure surprised me... but thru my stream-of-consciousness web searching I discovered that Narconon is directly affiliated with, and can be labeled as a 'front group' for the Church of Scientology! That's right, a lot of the anti-marijuana research and 'fact' that is out on the market at the moment, has been funded and fed to the public by the Church of Scientology.... so, can I please, please, please, please legally smoke my reefer now?
  12. Here's my list, tada. 1)Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain - Pavement 2)White Album, The - The Beatles 3)OK Computer - Radiohead 4)Velvet Underground and Nico, The - The Velvet Underground 5)London Calling - The Clash 6)Odelay - Beck 7)Doolittle - The Pixies 8)Automatic For The People - R.E.M. 9)In Utero - Nirvana 10)Transformer - Lou Reed
  13. Lo-fi is great, but many lo-fi bands eventually went on to embrace hi-fi recording, as it is not inherently evil. One should also note that there is a difference between lo-fi recording and lo-fi listening, as while it may be recorded minimally it still sounds best on a high fidelity sound system, as my Crooked Rain Crooked Rain- a lo-fi album, sounds best on my hi-fi system, and the vinyl is pressed in a way to get the best hi-fi listening experience... music is always so complicated.
  14. I recommend picking up a turntable as soon as you can you can grab a decent one for bout 50 bux, then shop for records either locally, or check ebay for some sweet deals, you can grab old beatles lps for $5 sometimes less. The quality of sound is just sooo good, the bass comes in strong, and drums! oh the drums.
  15. haha- good to see someone else still reads Rolling Stone, you can accuse it of going 'corporate' and being 'outdated' all you want- but it's still one of the only sources of music and real-world journalism that I trust. But yeah, MP3s are crap- see with digital music (as no one does analog anymore) most high end studios record with 24 bits or even 32bits, but a CD only uses 16 bits- so thru a very complicated process, those bits of recorded sound are partitioned down to 16 bits, which ultimately works out to pretty decent sound, but with mp3s, you're taking that 16 bits (or if it's straight from the studio 24) and compressiing it down to even less than 16, which leads to the highs and the lows being less powerful, which leads to a boring 'flat' sound- so to compensate, producers turn every frequency as high as it can go... to try and give the mp3s 'punch' That is why I still listen to vinyl.
  16. Probably one of the greatest lines to ever be uttered on television.
  17. oh I agree, Flea is an awesome bass player, and his lines in By The Way are sick- but Flea is no good with overall arranging, which was his position during the recording of By The Way... and it just lacks flair. As far as the term 'overproducing' goes, that's not quite what I would label Californication, as I think of overproduction as just adding more noise for the sake of adding more noise- which doesn't mean that all songs with lots of instruments are overproduced, for example 'Crawling up the Walls' I couldn't picture that song without all the creeks and spookiness, so therefore Radiohead didn't 'overproduce' it. In the case of Californication, there is no DB control, every frequency, every instrument is cranked as high as it will go, and if you listen to it there's no emotional drive, no push, like 'ScarTissue' could be much better than it is, as the verses are pumped up so high, there's no where for the chorus to go...blech. This 'volume adjustment' is actually a huge problem with music now, as people are gearing their songs for people listening with crappy computer speakers on mp3s(boo mp3s!) rather than highfidelity speaker systems... for example, the entire Arctic Monkeys album.... listen to it in the context of dynamics and contrast.... Now, 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' altho loud, does not have a single waveform, like Californication and Arctic Monkeys, it actually dips down, see Kurt knew what he was doing... he let the quiet parts be real quiet so the loud stuff had some punch.... that's what the pixies did, and that's what mozart did.
  18. Haha, this whole 'In Rainbows' deal totally proves all those people that complain about 'music piracy' totally wrong, the industry isn't in the toilet because people are stealing music, it's so bad because the music isn't worth paying for. but, if you release a quality album and respect your fans- you can still make lotsa money.
  19. Already an RHCP on the nominee list, sorry bro. and By the Way lacks soul anyway... as far as Chili Peppers go... I shall editorialize, for it's 3 AM and I am bored, songfacts community, please ignore me if you wish. Pre-sexmagick, while occaisionally fun, is ultimately supercrappy. Sexmagick has some great tunes, and was when Frusciante first lent his great musical talented to an otherwise marginal band (sorry folks... flea gets much better as the 90s progress tho) has some awesome guitar work, the only thing that works against it is that it sometimes gets a little too... '80s' for my taste. ...Then there is One Hot Minute... blech, puke, etc. I will go ahead and leave it at that. Californication- the return of the prodigal John! Great songs, great album there is one problem... and it does kind of get to me, while John's musical talent obviously shines thru the work, it is mixed super awfully, it uses the modern pop formula of 'MAKE EVERYTHING LOUDER LOUDER!!!' in the fact that it's very loud, but still very flat sounding... a sacrifice that has been made quite a lot with the transfer from analog to digital. - see the only thing I can find wrong with Californication is a musicdork thing that many people probably won't even notice... Then By The Way... while it does have John, the album is kind of... dreary... mind you By The Way and Can't Stop are great songs (especially Can't Stop) the overall music of it... can be kinda lame, which is explained by the 'behind the scenes' action goin' on during the recording. See, By The Way was the album that almost broke the band up (and I would say for good reason...) See Flea wanted control on all the musical overdubs, even tho John had a clear vision, Flea won out and his arrangements and versions are what made the final cut, and while Flea is a great bass player... the final product of By The Way would lead one to question his compositional skill. Then there is Stadium Arcadium! If the chili peppers continue to make music for another 15 years, I would argue that this album is the true 'start' of their musical career, it's two discs of rock'n'roll awesomeness, John is once again in charge of most of the arrangements, overdubs, and general musical direction, and it definately pays off, it lacks the 'flatness' of californication, and gets over the boredom and lazyness that was in BTW. and it's two discs, how awesome is that?
  20. You know- the fact you call it that just shows me you're not ready.
  21. I think Batman is referring to the amount that has to be ingested to actually kill you.... edna, you're thinking of 'greening out'... which is where you smoke past your 'limit' and lose all touch with reality...which can be quite fun and easily cured with a pizza and a bag of cheetos The thing is, this is a plant that has uses beyond what we presently think of... I mean a mood elevator alone could be valuble enough in society. But don't worry, the Bush admin. drug czar has named marijuana the DEA's #1 target hooray!
  22. Agreed- In Utero is miles better than nevermind. It's one of those discs that I can pop in and listen all the way thru a couple times without getting tired of it.
  23. I stumbled upon this- and well I missed this back when it was going on, but I just have to say marijuana is awesome. I take Paul McCartney's word on it.
  24. I double featured it the other day, with Walk Hard and Juno. Walk Hard is definitely a loveit/hateit film... I liked it, the Beatles jokes, the Dylan stuff, all the songs... Tim Meadows... and John Reilly is a reallyreallyreally good actor. and Juno... well that's just one of those special little films that make you a little happier inside, and I love Michael Cera... I have poppop in the attic....
  25. Another great track, and probably my fave fave fave pavement cut (it is very hard to choose tho....) would have to be Grounded from Wowee Zowee... it has an AMAZING guitar hook!
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