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Forum Rules - please read before your first post


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These message boards were created to allow open discussion among our members. Please adhere to the following rules and guidelines when posting or replying to messages. With everyone's compliance, the message boards will remain a great place for people to enjoy!

No profanity

Any reference to, or use of profanity will not be tolerated. In some cases, it's neccessary to indicate a certain bad word, so you may use edited words such as s**t. This is how we handle Songfacts for things like the song "You Oughta Know."

No personal attacks or hate posts:

Songfacts has thousands of members which include people from all backgrounds. Please respect the opinions of others and do not make personal attacks. You may disagree with someone's opinion, but you may not attack the person for posting that opinion. If you have a complaint about another user's conduct, notify a moderator rather than responding yourself.

Posting images:

If you would like to post an image, please post a link to the image, otherwise, follow these guidelines:

1) Images should be hosted with an image hosting service or on your own web site.

This prevents unauthorized use of bandwith from a non-affiliated web site.

2) Do not post more than 40k worth of images in one post.

This is out of courtesy to users with slow internet connections.

3) Do not post images wider than 400 pixels.

Large images can cause the page to stretch beyond the width of the computer screen, making it difficult to read.

4) No animated or picture signatures.

Thanks & Enjoy! :headphones:

Edited by Guest
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