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Poetry for Sad Eyes

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I wrote these last year and have cont. writing...

False Murder

In the asylum she waits,

She wasn't insane, she knew it couldn't be true.

She wasn't the one who killed him, or his ugly wife.

It was Cindy, her other self, no she wasn't insane.

It wasn't her fault that she was there/

She takes over sometimes, and maybe thats why,

In the asylum she waits


Alone she waits under the tree,

He promised he'd be back for me.

Be back to get her before the storm,

Back to get her before her heart gets torn.

A promise is what he made,

A burden is what he laid.

Inside her womb,

Like in a tomb,

His child sleeps as she warms herself with a burlap sack,

She cries and knows that he's not coming back.


I see people...

People I know and people I don't.

I see people...

Som are there while others are not.

I see people...

See them I will, talk to them I won't.

I see people...

There across the parking lot,

Too many people but one sticks out, calling.

Down there, by the stair,

Of the thirty-foot building,

The pavement and I become one.

Understand that these were written for a special project in English and that they are just stories... right? ;)

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When first reading "Too many people but one sticks out, calling." I thought it said Too many people to through a stick at. Which, to be honest, confused me. So, reading it again I felt slightly stupid. Though, I haven't slept well recently. One of my kittens has an eye infection and I can't get him into the vet until Saturday, and now he's getting warm and I think he's got a fever. So, stress hasn't allowed me to sleep well. Though, I must say, they are all excellent, despite my being tired. :coolio:

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Thank you sooo much for your reply... I mean I feel extremely vulnerable for putting some of my stuff out there and then I saw that ten people read it and I was like "AAAHHH" lol.. not quite that but I dont know how to put it in words.. but your input was nice.. Once again Thanks a lot and I really hope that your cat gets better and your sleep comes more easy.

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I, to be honest, would never be brave enough to put any of my stuff up anywhere. Though, you were able to put yours up, and I'm glad. It was excellent, and I'm sure more people will think so, too. And, thanks for caring about my cat. I'm sure he'll be fine, though. Seeing as we're getting him to the vet tomorrow, and all. And I hope they can easyly figure out what to do. My sister's cat has been sick with a virus for years, luckily it doesn't bother her much. And I'll be really upset if they make him stay over night or anything. Then I wouldn't have him for my birthday. :( Though, I'm pretty sure they won't have to. But, yet again, your work is great. If you have anything you happen to put up in the future, I hope that I see it. You're an excellent poet and you should be proud. I think I'll just shut up now.

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Thanks Katie, I am glad that you think your cat is going to be fine. I really do hope he/she will be, too. I have a couple of stories that I have started writing, but then lost the "writers edge" as some may call it for I was afraid they wouldn't be good. I will probably post them soon. I mean as soon as I get the chance to have enough time to copy them over. Thanks Again for the compliments, its good to hear people like your work!!! ;)

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Dear Katie, and other readers... This is a story I started writing. I didn't want to put all of it on at once, for I didn't want to waste anyones time and I wanted your input on the first chapter. If you like it let me know ASAP and I will post the second chapter, however remeber that it is unfinished and it stops in the middle of the third chapter. I will continue to add to it, however with summer reading books to read, and my new job to go to, I am not sure how much luck I will have with getting much more added right away. If you like it, and want to know what happens, let me know and supply and demand means that I will have more of the product completed. Thanks for believing Katie!!!!

Treva's Journey

By: Thumbelina Girl 2007*

Dedicated to Katie S. My biggest Fan!!!

As she walked alone down the lonely dusty old road, she thought about everything that has happened in her life. Why was she the one that everything happened to? Why was her life so hard compared to everyone else?s? She wiped a tear a continued walking toward the setting sun.


Treva was born into the Christianson family. Her parents, Thalia and Frank, were proud to have such a beautiful child. Their luck, however, was about to change. The night of December 16th, Treva?s mother and father had to leave town on business. Although Treva was too young to understand why her parents had to leave her, she knew that something was not right. She felt it deep within her body that something was going to happen, that would change her story forever. At the age of four, her parents had Delia, Treva?s grandmother, come and watch their beloved child while they were away. Preparations for their departure began as soon as Delia arrived. The house soon was filled with commotion, a commotion that Treva was not used to. She tried her best to be a good girl; one that her parents would be proud of, although everyone running around like livestock gone mad frightened her so. Her mother packed her and her father?s clothes, while Treva sat upon their bed, watching her mother fold their clothes in an orderly fashion. ?Don?t worry Treva,? her mother said in a soothing voice. ?Your father and I will be back before too long.? Treva?s heart lifted a little, even though the unbearable feeling of dire happenings was upon her. She forced a slight smile. ?Good morning my sun shines,? said Treva?s father as he entered the room, giving her mother a kiss on the cheek. ?Why peach, you look a little worried? he said when he saw his daughter upon the bed. ?Don?t worry,? he said as he picked her up. ?Daddy and mommy will be back before you start pre-school. Mama D has breakfast waiting for us in the kitchen.? he said, grinning at the worried Treva in his arms. ?Mommy will be out shortly.? he said walking down the hallway, and descending the stairs to the main floor. As Treva and her father entered the kitchen, the fragrance of fried bacon, warm biscuits and gravy, and eggs filled the air. ?Well good morning miss Treva,? said Delia as she placed the food on the table. ?I have a treat for you after you finish your breakfast. Treva smiled. ?Treat!? she exclaimed in joy. ?Treat after yummies!? she giggled in contentment. ?That a girl.? said Frank. ?Eat up.? he said as he placed her in her high chair. ?Where?s Thalia?? Delia asked. ?Oh, she will be down in a minute. She?s just finishing?? he paused glancing toward Treva, who was covered in gravy and was munching on her bacon. ?She is finishing P-A-C-K-I-N-G for the T-R-I-P.? he said, spelling the words out so that he wouldn?t disturb Treva?s content, as she started on her eggs. ?Okay.? said Delia. ?Why don?t you run and tell her that she can finish Pa?? she started to say. ?Um..,? she glanced at Treva, who was now looking back and forth between Delia and her father with a clueless expression on her face. ?She can finish that later, and to come and eat before he coffee gets cold.? she said grinning. Treva went back to sloppily eating her breakfast, not understanding what had just happened. ?Okay.? said Frank with an expression of gratitude for not worrying Treva. ?I?ll do that.? About three minutes later Thalia and Frank entered the room, holding each other in their arms, and laughing about something that had happened. ?Now now children, the laughing can continue after breakfast is eaten. I don?t want it to go cold.? ?Yes mamma,? said Thalia, giving a playful glance toward Frank, who was now sitting next to Treva, feeding her the rest of her biscuits. Breakfast was soon cleared and Thalia had finished packing. It was now close to the time for their departure. She discreetly brought the suitcases downstairs, and knowing that Frank was playing with Treva in the den, she quietly took them out the back door and around to the front lawn. She knew how hard it was going to be for Treva when she and Frank left. She cleared the thoughts of sorrow from her mind, knowing that they would only make Treva?s mixed feelings worse. She re-entered the house, and walked into the den, where Frank and Treva were sitting. ?Honey,? Frank said softly, ?come see this.? She carefully walked toward them and noticed that a book lay open in front of Treva. ?Pony.? she heard Treva say, as she pointed to the picture of the beautiful horse inside the storybook. ?Pony left?the mar--ket.? she slowly read with uncertainty. Tears slowly came to Thalia?s eyes. She knew that Treva was at a stage in her life where she was beginning to learn everything. Frank looked up at her with a saddened face. Thalia wiped her tears just in time, for Treva looked up excited, knowing that she had accomplished something that she was unable to do before. Thalia ran over and picked her up, swinging her in the air. ?Good job, my peach, you read!? She then hugged her closely, knowing that in about three hours, she had to leave her daughter for a while. As the time passed, they spent their last three hours at home with their daughter before their business trip to Rome, Italy. They read, laughed, played dolls, and played with blocks, until they heard a booming knock on the door. Thalia?s face grew grim as she looked at her husband, who was no longer laughing. He rose and answered the door as Thalia began saying goodbye to Treva. ?Good afternoon, Mr. Hopkins.? said Frank to the man standing in the doorway. ?Everyone is waiting,? said Mr. Hopkins. ?Are you and Thalia ready to go?? he asked looking past him at Thalia, holding Treva tightly in her arms. ?Hello Treva!? said Mr. Hopkins. Treva grinned. She like Mr. Hopkins. He was the man that worked with her mother and father, and always brought her lollipops. ?Sucker!?? she asked almost in a demanding way. ?Treva!? scolded her mother, who soon laughed at the though of her daughter being smart enough to remember Mr. Hopkins. Even if he wasn?t that hard of a man to forget, it was an accomplishment that a three year old remembered him. Mr. Anthony J. Hopkins was a tall, husky man. His hair was usually unkempt, and he had facial whiskers that would frighten a dog. His eyes were angelic, however, their blue twinkling gave him a gentle disposition. His cheeks were round and rosy; he was an allegory of Santa Claus, making him seem like a gentle person to a child. ?Almost,? said Thalia, as she rose from the floor, still holding Treva. The tears in her eyes showed Mr. Hopkins and Frank that she wasn?t ready to leave, but she knew that it was time. Handing Treva over to Frank she told them that she was going to say goodbye to her mother. Treva dutifully went into the arms of her father. She gave him a big hug and kiss. ?I wuv you daddy.? she said quietly. ?I love you too, my little peach.? Treva giggled as her father rubbed her under her chin with his rough facial hair. ?Mommy and I are gonna have to leave now, but remember to be good to Mama D, you understand?? Treva, beginning to realize that the time had finally come gave a slight nod of her head. ?Yes Daddy.? she said softly. Delia and Thalia came from the kitchen, they both looked like they had been crying. ?Come here my precious peach.? said Thalia softly. She took Treva out of Frank?s arms and gave her a big squeeze. Delia and Frank each said their goodbyes. ?Mr. Hopkins,? said Delia. ?You make sure my babies don?t miss their flight now.? She winked at him. He smiled and assured her that they had plenty of time so they didn?t have to rush. ?Now honey, Daddy and I will be gone for a while?? Thalia began to say. ?And I will be good for Mama.? Treva finished her sentence. They all chuckled at this little comment. ?Good girl. I love you.? ?Love you too, mommy.? said Treva. Delia told Treva that after mommy and daddy left for her to come into the kitchen for some supper, then retired once again to the kitchen. Thalia put Treva down and patted Mr. Hopkins on the shoulder, as she went forward and grabbed her suit case. One of her other co-workers was standing by the trunk, waiting to help her place her luggage into the car. Frank bent down and gave Treva one last hug. ?Goodbye honey? Don?t get sour.? Treva laughed. ?And don?t get eaten by any worms.? she replied. He grabbed his suitcase and took it to the car. Mr. Hopkins lingered a while longer, and once Frank and Thalia were in the car. He bent down and handed Treva a peach flavored lollipop. ?Here peach.? he grinned. ?Don?t let it ruin your appetite. Treva smiled and promised him she wouldn?t. ?Bye Anfony.? she yelled waving to him as he opened the drivers door. ?Bye Peach!? he yelled back. Frank and Thalia both began to wave as Mr. Hopkins started the engine. Thalia would have waved longer but she had to turn her head so that Treva would not see the tears streaming down her face. Treva knew better not to cry. Her father wouldn?t be happy. So she took a deep breath and went into the kitchen to find Delia sitting at the table with soup and sandwiches waiting. Treva quietly took a seat across the table. ?Now eat up peach, then afterwards we could go on a nice walk in the park, or read a book.? Treva gave no response. Delia became quiet and understood how upset Treva must be. So they sat eating their supper in total silence. When Treva had finished her soup and half of her sandwich, she quietly asked if she may be excused. ?Sure baby.? said Delia in a comforting voice. Treva began to leave the room, but hurriedly ran back to the table and placed her supper dishes on the counter near the sink and gave Delia a slight peck on the cheek. Then she left the room. Delia cleaned up supper, and thought about how hard life was going to be for the next couple of months for little Treva. ?God help her.? she said under her breath. When she had finished wiping the counters off, she turned to the table to find Treva standing in the doorway with her pajamas on, holding her teddy bear. ?You ready for bed already?? Delia asked surprised. ?I?n a little sleepy Mama, but you can reads to me if ya wanna.? said Treva. Delia grinned softly. ?Lemme finish wiping down the table, and I will be up in a bit.? Treva left and as Delia placed the wash rag neatly on the sink, she heard Treva climbing the stairs. When she entered the room, Delia found Treva sitting in bed under her covers, and clutching her teddy bear. As she moved closer, she noticed that her pony book was lying open in her lap. Treva looked up with big round eyes, her face all red with tears. ?Sorry mama, but I don?t feel like being read to anymore.? she said with gasps of breath amid her words. Delia watched sorrowfully as Treva slid the book of her lap and onto the floor beside the bed. She then slid down beneath the covers, and turned, still holding onto her teddy bear. Delia still heard soft whimpers coming from the lump of child on the bed, as she bent down to pick up the book. She placed it on the nightstand beside Treva?s bed then went around to the other side. ?I?ll be right down the hall if you need anything, peach.? she said whispering. Then she bent down and gave Treva a kiss. ?Good night sweetie.? Delia turned off the light, not knowing that Treva?s life was about to get even more complicated.

*Name changed for writer's safety.

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I love it. It's really sweet, and sad at the same time. But not burst out in tears sad, you know? It's well written and I greatly enjoyed it. Though, I noticed one thing, I believe that near the begining you said that Treva was four, but later on you say she's three, or maybe I'm not remembering correctly. I'm not positive. I'll go check, though. Other than that little thing, I loved it. :coolio:

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Katie thanks for the heads up. Like I said she's still under construction, that's kinda like the rough draft. I will definately go back and edit it some, thanks. As I had continued writing the story I had debated about how old she should be... anyways since you liked it here is the second chapter. I hope it doesn't suffer by comparison! Thanks,


Chapter Two

The following morning Delia woke up with a pain in her neck. ?I must have slept funny,? she said quietly to herself. She descended the stairs and entered the kitchen to prepare the morning?s breakfast. She retrieved the eggs and milk out of the refrigerator, and got the pancake mix out of the cupboard. Delia knew that Treva loved pancakes, and perhaps they will help her feel better after yesterdays activities. Just as she put the last of the batter onto the griddle, a sleepy eyed Treva appeared in the doorway. ?Good morning, peach.? said Delia as happy as she could. ?Good mornin Mama D,? said Treva in a scratchy voice, still hinting her tiredness. She took a seat at the end of the table, placed her teddy bear upon it, then leaned her head down using her bear as a pillow. As she began to drift back off to sleep, Delia set the pancakes onto the table. ?Here honey, have some breakfast; it will make you feel better.? she said in a tender voice. ?Thank you Mama but Teddy and I aren?t very hungry right now.? ?Okay peach, they will be sitting in the oven to stay warm then. Whenever you want them, just let me know.? Then Delia sat down across the table from Treva and had a cup of coffee while reading her newspaper. Every now and then she would glance across the table to see Treva yawning, or poking at the eyes of her teddy bear. ?Mama,? Treva spoke quietly. ?Why do grown up people have to leave their homes without their kids?? This question tore at the heart of Delia because she knew that there was nothing but innocence behind it. ?Well honey,? she said carefully trying to pick the right words. ?Sometimes people have to do things that isn?t what they plan on doing, but they still have to do it.? Treva looked as though she understood, even though Delia knew that the concept would be hard to grasp for a four year old. ?Look at it this way, since mommy and daddy aren?t here, you and I get to spend more time together.? Delia tried to cheer Treva up, her persistency, however, did not help. ?I?m gonna go back upstairs, maybe take a bath.? said Treva. ?Okay peach, just let me know if you need any help.? ?Don?t worry mama, I think I can handle it. I have to be a big girl now.? As Delia watched Treva exit the kitchen dragging her feet, her heart sank. Now she was in charge of a little girl who was trying to be bigger than what she was, whether it was because she felt the need to now that her father was not with her, or because she really believed she needed to grow up. Delia had no idea that Treva?s life was at its peak.

Delia folded up her newspaper and rinsed out her coffee cup. She didn?t want to intrude on Treva?s privacy, so she wandered around the den for a little while, counting how many flies she was going to have to kill, glancing at the book shelves, covered and styled with dust, to see if there were any books that she had not read. Finally Delia ascended the stairs, straining to hear a sound besides her footsteps. Nothing came to her. She first checked in the bathroom. Knock, knock, knock. There was no answer on the other side of the door. Slowly Delia turned the doorknob, and pushed the door slightly ajar. The room was filled with steam, obviously hinting that it had just recently began to be uninhabited by Treva. Delia shut the light off, and descended down the hallway. Pictures of Treva from a few weeks old, to her latest picture of a few months ago decorated the walls. Every now and then she would come across one with either just her parents or all of them together. She reached Treva?s door and gave a serene rap on the door. ?Peach, you in there?? No answer, just the unforgiving silence. ?Peach, honey, can I come in?? Still no answer. As Delia slowly opened the door she noticed a lump on Treva?s bed. Asleep once again, Treva seemed as though she had just been plopped onto the bed. Carefully and quietly Delia approached Treva to provide comfort to her worn-out body. Off came the slippers, on went the socks; off came the towel, on went the nightdress, until finally she was ready to tuck in. Delia carefully picked Treva up so that she wouldn?t wake her, and so that she wouldn?t hurt herself either. Carefully she pulled back the soft, cloudlike comforter and placed Treva?s half conscious body onto the autumn cool sheets. Delia picked up Treva?s teddy bear and tucked him in under her arm, then placed the blanket ever so softly onto her cadaver. Treva stirred but soon left this world once more. Delia pulled up beside her bed an old rocking chair, sat down, and just watched as the protuberance under the blankets slowly moved up and down, in syncopation with Treva?s usual heavy sleep. As Delia sat there and watched the angelic Treva sleeping, exhausted from the events which had occurred, Treva?s parents were experiencing something else.

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Well, it was great, just as the previous chapter. I love all the little details you go into. It's an excellent chapter. So far, I've loved it all. Though, many may find it mildly depressing. Though, depressing books are a personal favorite. No clue why, but they are. So, the many books I've started are depressing, though, I get bored and always toss them aside. I haven't got a clue where any of them went. Oh well. I love the way you write. It's very excellent.

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