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Old HP Commercial Songs


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Alright, I've looked on the web, searched Adtunes, and searched your forum and I still haven?t found what I?m looking for.

What I'm looking for is a song on an old HP ad about network security. The ad consists of a man sitting in a cafe minding his own business, then suddenly a mouse pointer grabs him by the collar and drags him through a narrow, cobblestone, European street. The pointer drags him over a car blocking the street and into a police van. The whole time a sad violin song is playing. I?m looking for the name of that song.

Another more recent commercial is the new subway commercial where two guys are ice fishing. The one gets a toasted sub and gets so hot he takes of all of his cold weather gear. There is a very solemn string piece playing during that commercial also.

I don?t think the two commercials play the same song.

Could anyone help me? I would be very appreciative as it has been driving me nuts trying to find these two songs. Thank you.

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Nope this is the ad I'm talking about Stimmung

The song that I?m looking for is in the ad at the bottom of the list. It?s an original composition by a composer named Jason Johnson. I found this with the help of the website that Earth Angel posted.

Now all I need is to find a copy of the song without the commercial. Does anyone know how I would be able to get a copy of it.

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The song playing in the HP ad titled "Digital Crime Fighters" where a man is arrested with a cursor and aired in 2003 is called:

"Yumeji's Theme" and was recorded by Shigeru Umebayashi for the motion picture soundtrack "In The Mood For Love" released in the year 2000.

You can listen to a sound clip here:


This song clip is track #1 on the soundtrack. I listened to the clip and watched the commercial. The song is the same song but the commercial sounds like it has a little more ummph to it.

It's possible the sound clip is of the beginning of the song and the commercial uses a different part of the song where the momentum increases.

The soundtrack also offers:

Track #20. Yumeji's Theme/Li-Zhen's Dialogue

There is also an import available of the soundtrack which has a total of 43 tracks on the CD compared to 21 tracks on the other. That link is here:


This import offers:

Track #1. Yumejis Theme

Track #22. A Yumenjis Theme

Track #41. Yumejis Theme (Extended Version)

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