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Fear of Commitment


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Sky high, balcony, sun in my eyes, the phone, it rings

Dare I answer, I know who sings

"Please come hold me"

I just want to be free



The look in your eyes, sickening; deafening

Have I gone wrong to trust this person

Heart in her hands, barely beating

Back and forth, I am pacing

Can you tell me, have I gone crazy?



Cross the boundary, borderline mockery

There is no business for this thinking

Must she know? Keep it a secret

I'm thinking of you, its the season



Something inside of my head

I think of leaving but hold you instead

Only choking, barely breathing

Can you tell me, what is wrong with me?



She rests her pretty little head on my my shoulder

(Little does she know I'm thinking of someone)

She sings me songs I wrote her

(Someone else, it's not just you, dear)

How do I know, if you're the one?

(Is this love eternal, or have I gone mad?)

Dedicated; complicated

Fear of commitment; so demented!



Am I wrong to feel this way?

Dreaming of her, yet thinking of others everyday

Am I consumed? My own twisted mentality

Selfish actions provoked by false reality

The time of now, so irrelevant,

Stuck in this vortex, optical illusions, I'm in debt

I owe my love, but to whom is unknown

Is she the one? How will I know?



Sky high, balcony, sun in my eyes, the phone, it rings

Dare I answer, I know who sings

"Please come hold me"

I just want to be free



She rests her pretty little head on my my shoulder

(Little does she know I'm thinking of someone)

She sings me songs I wrote her

(Someone else, it's not just you, dear)

How do I know, if you're the one?

(Is this love eternal, or have I gone mad?)

Dedicated; complicated

Fear of commitment; so demented!



Copr. Mason DuPont

Edited by DeezyType
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