I am not of the opinion that a person who is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol can give consent, no matter their age. It is rape. Her mother did not act appropriately, either. It would appear all she was interested in was $ or the glamor of being associated with a director. Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky's tryst was between two adults. She was also sober at the time, if I am not mistaken. While him cheating on his wife in a location that is supposedly a hallowed place was not his best move, lying about it under oath was what got people upset more than the act.
I can agree that there are lots of 13 and 14 year old GIRLS that want to lose their virginity for whatever reason, but they are not old enough to legally give consent in most places in the world. I have handled or assigned numerous child abuse cases over the last 14 years. Very few were consensual, many involved drugs or alcohol, all were illegal.
The list of people in rock that have had sex with under aged girls is long and distinguished.
I just dont subscribe to the notion that somebody should be given a pass on something they have done just because of celebrity, because they have had a rough life, or because of what is accepted in a particular subculture.