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Ombre Vivante

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Everything posted by Ombre Vivante

  1. Went out with some colleagues last night for some drinks. Things were going great until I got totally FRIENDZONED! outta left field. I was going full-force too, so that abrupt stop felt as if I got the wind knocked outta me. Another facepalm moment in the lyfe of Bitter Almonds
  2. It's payday and I am going to shop around for a new bed. I really want to upgrade from full to queen, but it's starting to look as if I won't be able to fit it in the configuration I want. Hmph
  3. Girls are really hard to pin down... when it comes to a sense of humour. I was having lunch with a girl I fancy and the conversation turned to one of my favourite cartoons, Regular Show, and how I refer to one of my brothers as "Rigby." She rolled her eyes at the thought of watching that cartoon! Regular Show is one of the funniest shows on the tellie! There are some things we can both share laughs, but that's mainly because I enjoy all sorts of comedy, so we're bound to have something in common. Otherwise, if I just had her sense of humour, lunch woulda been over as soon as the waiter came in to ask if we needed a refill of lemonade
  4. Most of my friends, colleagues, and classmates are Republicans, as far as I know. The few who voted for Obama the last time will probably vote for him this time around. Both groups are all pretty much supporting their own cause(s). Those who will vote for Romney are further subseparated into social and fiscal conservatives. I'd like to think I'm a little of both in spite of the on-line, ill-tempered persona I may put off here. For me, the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan (and pretty much all of the Middle East policy) are a huge point of contention with me, the pointless deaths of Americans it produced as well as the immense waste of money tied to those ill-fated ventures. I'd rather be called a "pacifist" or an "appeaser" rather than agree with American war criminals. I'm liable to not vote for Romney on that alone or just write in "Ron Paul" http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/politics/2012/08/27/ron-paul-supporters-assail-romney-and-gop-for-alienating-latinos/
  5. They're "complaining" because they don't want the U.S. to slowly turn into another one of those govts. Besides, complaining is still a guaranteed right under the Constitution
  6. I'm sitting in on the presidential election. I view it as a bread-and-circus spectacle of Roman proportions (they sure are spending millions more electioneering). Half a century before, this would've been unreal. There is no respect for the Presidency/Executive, Congress/Legislative, and maybe even the Judicial branch of U.S. govt. with the kinds of overt shenanigans going on at their level - right in front of everyone. And any attempt at changing the way business-as-usual, corrupt way of doing things has been met with resistance from the same branches of govt. that are supposed to be looking out for the interests of the nation/people. I'm only voting for locals
  7. Nice backpedal he did there with the whole "I agree with Ayn Rand" and then "I don't agree with Ayn Rand" in the span of... a coupla weeks. Spoken like a true illiterate
  8. Just calling a spade... "a spade." To focus on name-calling in light of the fact these people have the power to send others to their deaths based on a bunch of lies and political posturing, and that they have the power to legally lie, cheat and steal from them just goes to show priorities are way off alignment in today's times. There is no more sanctity for any life because power and money have taken precedent on almost every level of govt.
  9. See, I'm all for fiscal responsibility and having a balanced budget with expenses that are accounted for. During WWII, there was a collective drive to conserve resources, buy war bonds, etc. What bush, cheney, and their cronies did was pass tax cuts for their wealthiest friends and donors, and now the rest are getting pinned for that cost in terms of loss of human lives, horrific war injuries, and another "lost generation" of military folk and people here in the nation. This war effort did absolutely nothing in making things better for anyone living in the U.S. Again, these chicken hawks should man up and raise all taxes, esp. on the rich to start paying for the costly policies of the confederacy of dunces they bought in Congress. And now this lowlife scumbag is going to israel promising those terrorists we will back any military effort to defend... israel. What the hell?! As a naturalised U.S. citizen, I took an oath to defend THIS country, not the apartheid policies of foreign terrorists. Adding salt to that injury, mitt has chosen the same imbeciles who put together the Iraq WMD hoax to conduct Middle East policy! I thought this guy liked firing people! Well, here's your chance, mittens
  10. Well, now it reads as if you have it all figured out. Cool
  11. Oh, but the rich corporations and rich people in general DO control U.S. politics and policies now. It's how they game the system in order to keep more money for themselves and exploit the hell outta the citizens their laws affect. Take all those "contractors" and "consultants" who made themselves even richer because of the two military invasions in the Middle East. You really think some poor chump in the army reserves really wants to go into these foreign lands and blow up innocent citizens in order to make these guys more money? Besides, how were these stupid and useless wars going to be paid? But that's the thing, these two military invasions and subsequent occupations were pushed for and voted in by Congress - the same people whose elections were paid for by rich, influential people. Of course, now that we're deeper in debt because of this military industry fiasco, how do they plan to pay for it? Oh, hey, let's privatise Medicare and Social Security... and watch as rich corporations become richer as they drive down the bit of assets from poor schlubs on Main St. Imagine if these two programmes had been placed on the market back in, say, 2004 or 2005 - and then see both systems crash catastrophically the way the economy subsequently did. So, not only would there be a loss in 401K retirement accounts from young, working folk, but also on health care and income for the elderly. All that cash gone, gone... gone into a vortex sinkhole where the rich collect all of it at the bottom, and hoard it in offshore accounts and tax-dodging schemes (as they've been doing for God knows how long, just like mitt romney and his coward friends)
  12. I'd consider myself an "expert" as well. They both should have the same core science and math classes, and should meet the criteria to become a registered microbiologist - after getting hired first as an assistant and going through a year or two of training and studying for the state exam(s)
  13. During the past four years, every attempt at taking away individuals' voting rights and placing them on rich corporations has never been more obvious than the electioneering done by the Republican party. This is borderline treason or at least should be considered un-American
  14. You should look for jobs in your local health dept. - basically a registered health inspector or a registered microbiologist
  15. This video sweetened my coffee back in '88: I was in love with Christina! <3
  16. mint rmoney picks paul ryan as his v.p. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/live-video-mitt-romney-announces-vp-pick-123251121.html As much as I hate obama, there's no way I'm voting for rmoney now. This bum vp pick voted for the invasions/military occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, yet wants to privatise medicare and screw other people over in order to pay for his mistake in judgment. I'm actually shocked this was his pick for vp since he games the system in order not to pay taxes; if this was his case, then these guys should man up - not be cowards - and vote to increase taxes on everyone in order to pay for their military excesses
  17. Don't let me get anywhere near your thoroughbred warmblood whatev - I WILL BYTE IT!
  18. HORSE DANCING FOR AN OLYMPIC SPORT?! The whole thing looks irritating to me. Plus I hate horses... cows are tastier
  19. Nope. Everything has been a clean break in my life and I've never looked back. However, I can't say I ever did so by e-mail. I'd rather dish it out in person to get a real feel for it - I'm old-fashioned like that
  20. Hey, I remember high school. I even made it to the Dean's list... I was "on contract" with him for fighting and truancy. The only reason I stuck to the contract was because the finishing school they were going to transfer me didn't have the AP classes I was taking (not for credit, just for kicks). The only thing I suggest to peeps going into those intense high school or college schedules is to never forget to have a good time
  21. I don't know what mint rmoney was whining about: apt. buildings outfitted with rockets, surveillance cameras out the waz00, Marines checking your event tickets, and a driving lane for rich people (Anglo-Saxon, rich people!). http://www.cracked.com/article_19932_5-creepy-things-london-did-to-prepare-olympics.html
  22. Most of it is boring as hell, so I hadn't seen any of it until I woke up this morning to women's archery and saw this cutie <3 Now I'm paying attention
  23. Because Madonna used it to label European racism. David Bowie and The Sex Pistols used Nazi imagery just for show
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