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Posts posted by RonJonSurfer

  1. In honor of Glenn Frey and, in fact all musicians past and present, I'm on my first Tequila Sunrise which I made with a freshly opened bottled of Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo Tequila. As the blizzard bears down on New Jersey I feel this is the first of many before the weekend is over. The first snow of the fall or winter happening on 1/23 is another reason to celebrate...it will soon be summer again.

  2. Snow. I hate it. New Jersey has had a great winter for me. Today is 01/21/16 and there has been no snow. Nothing all fall, nothing so far this winter.

    Now, snowmegeddan is predicted for Friday night into Saturday and Sunday. They can't tell us if there will be 6 inches or 6 feet right now. I'm hoping for a miss, but I think we'll get something.

    Stay warm, think warm., be warm.

  3. Yes, I really started thinking about the fact that my rock and roll idols are all 10 (minimal) to 20 (or more) years older than me. We are going see many of them start to go and I hate the thought of it. They weren't some cold distant musicians...they meant so much more to me and SF'ers like you guys that wouldn't have ever come to Songfacts if you didn't have a special place for the music. 

    Go see your favorite rock acts if they are still touring. You'll feel better about yourself...and them.

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