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WEDNESDAY is a very little known alternative artist from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The founder, Qynn Valentynne, considers it a band although it is a solo project.

The band began as a group called TRY that had lyrics but no music. After a while music was beginning to come together, and an ep was recorded.

WEDNESDAY currently has released 3 full albums, and is working on a 4th album. The theme of many songs is dark, and often have strange origins (such as being based off of a game favorited by a member).

WEDNESDAY is so little known because each cd made is limited to 60 copies each.

Those who know the band's music well often compare them to the post-grunge band Evanescence. It isn't a coincidence that WEDNESDAY models lots of their music after Evanescence; Qynn has stated that Evanescence is a huge influence.

That's really all the info I have. You can check out other stuff at their homepage:


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