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About akseafood

  • Birthday 06/01/1970

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tadpole (1/19)



  1. Usage at the 2008 Republican National Convention "Barracuda" was played at the 2008 Republican National Convention in reference to McCain's running mate, Sarah Palin, who was known as "Sarah Barracuda" as a high school basketball star. The Wilson sisters disapproved, claiming that they disagreed with Palin's politics,[4] and sent a cease-and-desist letter to John McCain's campaign. [5] In an appearance on a Seattle talk show, song co-writer and lead guitarist Roger Fisher announced he was "thrilled" with the RNC's use of the song, because it both resulted in royalties for the band and gave them an opportunity to publicly point out that he, the Wilson sisters, and fellow bandmate Michael DeRosier are "staunch" supporters of Barack Obama.[6] DeRosier, lead drummer on the recording and song co-writer, also supports the use of the song by the RNC.[7] Even after the Wilsons expressed their desire that McCain stop using their song, the McCain campaign continued using it, noting that they were paying all licensing fees.[8]
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