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Posts posted by Farin

  1. Eric Clapton doesn't play either "Tears in Heaven" nor "My Father's Eyes" anymore.

    "I didn't feel the loss anymore, which is so much a part of performing those songs. I really have to connect with the feelings that were there when I wrote them. They're kind of gone and I really don't want them to come back, particularly. My life is different now. They probably just need a rest and maybe I'll introduce them for a much more detached point of view."

  2. All I could come up as a reason for Obama's debate strategy last night (yes, the U.S. presidential debate series is being carried by Brazilian cable) was that the campaign has not been challenging enough for someone of his competitive nature, so he threw his opponent a few handicap poll points. Now, that's grace and confidence!

    Haha, I heard he did it because his supporters became too confident and he wanted to bring them down a notch ;)

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