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Posts posted by lonelyday

  1. Either LD doesn't really want an answer to her question or that bus driver drove right past her stop and still hasn't let her off the bus.

    Ashley hasn't signed into the site since she posted this question a month and a half ago.

    Visual Interlude:


    Well the bus drivers around here are pretty crazy... ...but i'm afraid I was just stressed and busy, I'm here now though!

    Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! I love how it ranged from Chopin to The Rolling Stones to Muse, I definitely have lots of listening to do! :headphones:

  2. Just the same as with the drum songs, i feel like finding some songs/or groups to listen to that include piano(or keyboard). The other day i felt like listening to piano heavy songs on the bus...but had very few...

    So yeah...suggestions please :D

  3. 1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?

    Jelly tip

    2. What is the last movie you saw in a theater?


    3. Your PBnJ: Crusts on or cut off?

    On...but i usually eat it as toast not a sandwhich...btw...is jelly just jam??

    4. Who was your first celebrity crush and how old were you

    I really have no idea

    5. Ink pens: blue or black ink?


    6. What is your favorite color?

    Red or Blue

    7. If you had $100 to spend in 5 minutes, what would you buy?


    8. What is your favorite cereal?


    9. Choose one: A B C and tell why you picked it.

    A- 1st letter of my name

    10. Name a quote that says a lot about you.

    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  4. It's been this "Mama just killed a man" etc part of Bohemian Rhapsody for the past few weeks... and it's really starting to get on my nerves.

    ha bohemian rhapsody has been my default song for quite a while...it's quite good coz it has a lot of variation...unless you end up with the same part playing on repeat in your head...

  5. If anyone was to go to a high school English class (or any class in which students write papers), and read all the papers written for the class, I'm sure none of you would be worried about the threat of text language anymore.

    Yeah, as long as text language isn't allowed to creep into formal writing. Last year people here were debating over whether txt language should be allowed in school exams :doh: Its as if people forgot that along with learning about particular topics schools also need to teach and enforce basic literacy.

    Also does anyone know why it is some people will type or txt alternating upper and lower case letters? i HaV nOe IdEa HoW aNy1 HaS tHe PaTiENcE 2 rItE lYk ThIs

  6. Yes well, Endless Wire... I'd rather forget it exists.

    ugh, i'm glad to hear that from a who fan...coz i listened to it once and sat there wondering whether it was actually supposed to be good. Then after a couple of weeks i decided that i really should give it another go...and don't think i've listened to it since...

    Hmmm so i'll get Who's Next then...only problem is i'm not supposed to be buying CDs :D

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