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Posts posted by lonelyday

  1. Much as I hate to think about it, the future for the "I-ain't- touring-no-more" big names may be at a certain computer manufacturer's online music store. (There's been a backlash against the iPod, Apple, The iTunes Music Store, and Podcasts, so I won't mention them at all...Oops!) Yes, the next Classic Rock concertlet may be coming to a portable video/music player instead of the traditional concert venue. It all looks so "Futurama" to me. :stars:

    That's really scary, having concerts on portable music players or whatever would take away the whole atmosphere of live music.

    And as for the whole ipod thing, i'm in that generation and i do download music, but only as a temporary means of listening to music on my computer before I buy the cd. A lot of my friends own ipods, but I don't, although I probably will end up buying one.

    I too prefer having a physical cd with the original cover and liner notes, I like having an actually collection instead of just a list of songs in a file of the computer.

  2. You're doing a good job of that, it's very PC! :grin:

    I'm hoping that since I have changed all my sheets and everything on my bed plus vaccuumed my mattress, under my bed and my entire room that I won't be bitten by whatever flea or other annoying biting insect has made me it's main course for the past week.

  3. :( I have no Beatle's albums, and neither do my parents. In fact my cd collection is pretty bare, I just have a mile long list to buy and no money to buy it with. I've decided I'm gonna have to get a job at a record store next year when I'm at uni, so that I can spend my spare money on cd's with what'll hopefully be a reasonable discount.
  4. What is the strangest music you have on your computer or own. It may just be that it is completely random or different to the other 99% of your music, or that it is just really wierd, whatever.

    I've been going through the music on my computer today and I happen to have a clubbing version of "I Will Survive" and the I Dream of Genie themesong, Into The Groove by Madonna, Cabaret, a Grease medley and the entire Labyrinth soundtrack(the last two probably aren't as strange as the rest, if you know me).

    So what do you all have?

  5. I usually study with music, because I can't stand silence, so then it becomes background noise. Except usually when I study I'll pick a CD which I know really well so that it doesn't distract me, but I'm always aware of it and end up being distracted at some stage or another and I use that as a measure of when I take a break.

    Sometimes I just get distracted anyway, like with certain songs that I just HAVE to sing a long to, like Bohemian Rhapsody, so I should probably try without music and see what happens.

  6. I have a friend who never gets songs in her head, it's really strange to me because I have a song in my head at all times and will usually announce the song and either complain or be happy about it or sing or whatever. It's like my own personal concert in my head.

    I find a lot of people listen to music to get to sleep, but I can't do that because the music influences my dreams so much that they are hyper-intense, and my dreams are crazy enough.

    Anyway... we should pity those who don't understand music, and think it's just background noise- they are missing out on so much.

  7. Hey...7th Heaven is not that bad of a show

    I'm not so sure, they played the valentine day episode a couple of days ago, the people kept breaking into song, but they're really not singers. That was the most I've cringed in a long time.

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