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Posts posted by peace_love_rock_83

  1. This is my 1st post on here! It's hard to choose just one song to pick, so here are a couple that i love!

    Bob Dylan

    Come you masters of war

    You that build all the guns

    You that build the death planes

    You that build all the bombs

    You that hide behind walls

    You that hide behind desks

    I just want you to know

    I can see through your masks.

    You that never done nothin'

    But build to destroy

    You play with my world

    Like it's your little toy

    You put a gun in my hand

    And you hide from my eyes

    And you turn and run farther

    When the fast bullets fly.

    Like Judas of old

    You lie and deceive

    A world war can be won

    You want me to believe

    But I see through your eyes

    And I see through your brain

    Like I see through the water

    That runs down my drain.

    You fasten all the triggers

    For the others to fire

    Then you set back and watch

    When the death count gets higher

    You hide in your mansion'

    As young people's blood

    Flows out of their bodies

    And is buried in the mud.

    You've thrown the worst fear

    That can ever be hurled

    Fear to bring children

    Into the world

    For threatening my baby

    Unborn and unnamed

    You ain't worth the blood

    That runs in your veins.

    How much do I know

    To talk out of turn

    You might say that I'm young

    You might say I'm unlearned

    But there's one thing I know

    Though I'm younger than you

    That even Jesus would never

    Forgive what you do.

    Let me ask you one question

    Is your money that good

    Will it buy you forgiveness

    Do you think that it could

    I think you will find

    When your death takes its toll

    All the money you made

    Will never buy back your soul.

    And I hope that you die

    And your death'll come soon

    I will follow your casket

    In the pale afternoon

    And I'll watch while you're lowered

    Down to your deathbed

    And I'll stand over your grave

    'Til I'm sure that you're dead.

    Another one...

    Simon and Garfunkel

    Hello darkness, my old friend,

    I've come to talk with you again,

    Because a vision softly creeping,

    Left its seeds while I was sleeping,

    And the vision that was planted in my brain

    Still remains..within the sound of silence.

    In restless dreams I walked alone

    Narrow streets of cobblestone,

    'Neath the halo of a street lamp,

    I turned my collar to the cold and damp

    When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

    That split the night

    And touched the sound of silence.

    And in the naked light I saw

    Ten thousand people, maybe more.

    People talking without speaking,

    People hearing without listening,

    People writing songs that voices never share

    And no one dare disturb the sound of silence.

    'Fools' said I, 'You do not know

    Silence like a cancer grows.

    Hear my words that I might teach you,

    Take my arms that I might reach you.'

    But my words like silent raindrops fell,

    And echoed in the wells of silence

    And the people bowed and prayed

    To the neon god they made.

    And the sign flashed out its warning,

    In the words that it was forming.

    And the sign said, 'The words of the prophets

    are written on the subway walls

    And tenement halls.'

    And whisper'd in the sounds of silence.

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