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Posts posted by Kevin

  1. The Who were alright - they didn't embarrass themselves .

    I think the current executives of the NFL have as much an eye on the international audience as they do on N.America and a bizarre need to try and promote the Super Bowl as THE premier sporting event in the world and, hence , their desire for big name acts that most of that audience would know and perhaps be impressed by .

    The game is now in 180 countries , but I don't believe it is watched ( with interest) by even a trickle as many in most of those countries, collectively, compared to the U.S. , due as much to time differences, lack of understanding of the game or just general interest . It has reached a plateau . Nearly every World Cup semi-final will equal or better the audience of the Super Bowl , so they may as well return to marching bands and cheerleader jiggles or home-grown acts.

    I've spoken to more than 50 Japanese people since the game as to whether they watched or were interested in the game . Two said yes ( though one only was aware of it happening ) , and the rest either didn't know it was on , could care less what had happened , nor even who was playing , or what the ' big deal' was .

    By globalizing the game to a largely disinterested audience , the NFL has managed to bump up , temporarily , revenues and salaries , etc . , but it has really just alienated it's true base by making tickets and products so ridiculously overpriced that real fans can rarely afford to get involved by going to a game without taking a huge financial hit .

  2. Who Dat Chargers fan ?! :D

    Glad to hear you survived. That does sound memorable and frightening ,too -glad they won or it may have been worse ! I've been wondering what you've been up to and seeing since the game. There's supposed to be a parade tomorrow ...up for it ? Post a pic if you can . :)

  3. It's sunday and I'm with you and Lucky, Edna. Except that I need to shower still, after working in the front yard all day helping Jeff dig and use an auger and generally do really nasty dirty work. However, my kid just used up every last drop of hot water on his daily 1/2 hour shower. Which means waiting a while longer...

    Jeff ?!?

    Shawna, you ignorant ... :D

    I need me some Fantasy sports soon or I'm just gonna ruin all the threads in the meantime . :D

  4. THAT'S the kind of high-minded crap that started the American Revolution ! Throw off your shackles, free-minded non -Canadians , and thrust thine middle finger into the Queen's ear ... giving her a wet-willy that she'll never forget !

    You wanna talk to us, Brit ?!?! Huh ? ( and I stand confidently behind the American nuclear detfkfjr ) ....

    Then prepare to lower yourself and your speech to the lowest common denominator ... dude !

    - Benedict Arnold

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