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As Ron said, "Good on you Marc"

Though, try not to look so far ahead. Be happy to wake up in the morning.

Reason I say this is because I retired at age 44 and had so many plans that I would not be able to list them all.

Things can change in a second...much less "ten" to "thirteen" years!

Hopefully, Marc, your dreams become reality!

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Well, I have 13 years to figure out where I want to live, what kind of veh I want to restore, and where I want to travel to with the wife and kid (if she wants to go along...) I pretty much have been living day to day for the last 20 years since I never knew if I was going to be around the next day or not. Not trying to sound grim, but thats the way it is. Living this way has made time fly. I am having fun and I have no major regrets.

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