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True kinda.My kid was in ballet when she was young and they did a show at an historic theater. Does that count :D

You give panhandlers money.


False. I have been lucky enough to never have had to resort to that. ( was going to ask one but switched ;))

You have taken a homeless person home with you.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

False...I've never owned anything. Because if I did then why do I continue to pay personal property tax on things I've owned and payed for...for over thirty years? Freedom... medeivel...


You've talked to your congressman recently?


False...yet again. I've never turned Sun into tea. I've tried brewing tea in the sun but it wasn't fun, tasted fishy because tea was never meant to seep slow. It's pretty terrible that way, IMO.

Though, once at a wedding, I turned water into wine. They were happier than I. But if tea is your thing; try natural "white" tea: the only tea hand-picked at certain times* (before the "white" buds open and then dried immediately; no processing means more potent antioxidants than green or black which is ridiculously processed; and pekoe... lipton , luizianne and all the other crap...lmao) *of the year in CHINA!!! Anything else is swill by comparison. At one time, white tea was only served to royalty. It still is, in a sense.

Never bring the water to a boil and drink it after only two minutes of putting in cup, pekoe enthusiasts. Never add ice but do allow it to chill in the refrigerator if you must have it cold. Cold tea makes even less sense than cold coffee. ;)

You've grown corn and made Luna-Flash (once known as white lightnin' moonshine or popcorn )

  • 2 weeks later...

Grown corn, true. Made moonshine? Belive it or not I must say false.

You've made some type of homemade alcoholic beverage at some time in your life.



Years ago white lightning was my thing to produce since my uncle Linwood still farmed vast corn crops and my grand-daddy's copper still hadn't breached just yet.

Now, as years have added up; it's wine that I find fine. It's easier to produce than moonshine and a whole lot healthier for you...tastes better, too! Tastes like what you might imagine heaven to be.

You like good, homemade elderberry wine.

  • 2 weeks later...

true/false. I don't "hate" it. I just don't love it. But it gets me where I want to be. :)

You are responsible for drawing together a big crowd in a positive way.

  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

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