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What are you eating or drinking?


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At this time of night ?!?! You should go stick your head in a toilet- don't worry , they are magically delicious . You make donut-cops look good , tubby ! Just how are you going to pass that next physical , now ?!

You sicken me . :laughing: :laughing: :angel: ;)

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My sweet little Peachlette will start kindergarten tomorrow. How did she get to be so big? *sniff*

Well just don't do like I did and start crying. They frown on that :crazy:

I spent a lot of time as a volunteer when my kiddlet was in pre-school through middle school :D

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Once when my son was in 1st grade, I went to collect him after school. I picked him up and was carrying him off the campus, and he said (in his little 6-year-old voice) "Mom, can I get down? I'm embarrassed." (it came out "embawassed") it was sooooo cute.

And oh - sipping on a Dr Pepper and thinking about the Milky Way bar in the fridge...

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Two electronic devices are plugged to recharge batteries, so my odyssey to the Ala Moana Center Apple store is on hold. (After years of used Mac portable computers, I gave in to curiousity about Intel MacBooks.) So it's time for a cold half sanwich and something cold to drink.

Leftover party food (baked ham slices) or roasted Turkey sandwich and Diet Coke?

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