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Have you seen me? II


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Happy New Year, Kevin!! Welcome back home!!

Santa should have brought you a new laptop... :shades:

You can also set some rules, for instance, "*" will be "I", "^" will be "M" and so on (hey you only have 4 letters missing... ) and we´ll translate part of your lines... :cool:

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Happy New year , all . I'm still around , but not able to post much . My wife has been taking her ( our?) nice new MacBook to work nearly everyday this month in order to prepare for a conference presentation next month. I've been stuck with our old I-Book with the broken keyboard, which allows me to read posts , but it's difficult to post without the the keys for 'I', 'M', 'U' and 'J' . :P

Of COURSE! That's why they invented l33t !

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For shame, Kevin... you're in Japan, even. You're supposed to know these things.

wiki : "Leet (written 31337, 1337, and l33t), or Leetspeak, is a written argot used primarily on the Internet, which uses various combinations of alphanumerics to replace Latinate letters. The term is derived from the word "elite", and the usage it describes is a specialized form of shorthand."

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The last I heard she was in hospital after a rare vampiric Koala attack . She fine - but still in a bit of a coma mumbling something about the Ramones ... :(

Oh, I remember when you were bitten by that strange beast, Kevin... :P I´m glad you´re doing almost fine by now though I know you still have some... rushes... :cool:

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