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Is there any way to put a limit on the size of images in the data base?

It's annoying to me when someone posts a huge image that can't even be seen unless one scrolls around it. Not only that, but it ruins the thread because now one must scroll sideways to read a friggin' post.

Can anything be done? People don't seem to care. Who buys a picture too big for their wall? So, why pick a picture too big for the screen?

There's an exercise done with the head, it's called thinking. :P


We can not limit the size of the pictures people insert into their posts because it is done using links to pics on other servers. We never have control of the actual files. I've asked that people please keep pictures small. Here's a friendly reminder....

PLEASE select small pictures for your posts. It makes it easier to read and the pages will load faster. :) Thank you everybody!


Most of the time I use an image in my post, I save it to my drive, then resize it on paint or word, then I upload it to my Online Photo Album & post it directly from there.


Looks like your prayer was ANSWERED Muzik!


I for one say AMEN!!! ::

Is there any way to put a limit on the size of images in the data base?

It's annoying to me when someone posts a huge image that can't even be seen unless one scrolls around it. Not only that, but it ruins the thread because now one must scroll sideways to read a friggin' post


New Rules for Posting Images

We now have specific board rules posted that include guidelines about using images. I have been going through recent posts and editing those with images to conform to these guidelines. I've been leaving a little marker that says "Please read the new image rules." Please do not take this as a negative mark on your post in any way. I didn't want to edit the posts and leave the author not understanding why. It seemed like the easiest way to get the word out. :)

Also, I can't go through the entire board and edit all the older posts. Those pictures will remain for the time being and eventually will fade out as the threads age.

Thanks everyone!

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