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Ok, i made a Rocky 6 post. I did a little more research!

Indiana Jones 4! http://www.moviepoopshoot.com/news/dec02/101.html

Exorcist: The Beginning (prequel to The Exorcist!)


Rambo 4


Sandlot 2---and 4 more after that!


REMAKE of The Amityville Horror


Terminator 4 (saw that comin)


Jurassic Park 4



Oh, and we all know Blade 3 is comin out..thats cool. A few of these im interested in, like Exorcist has been my favorite Sci Fi for years. We shall see! What do you guys think??? :coolio:?? or :thumbsdown:???


The Exorcist is one of my favorite movies. Why intercourse with something so great? I understand that it is not a remake, but still...leave it alone. Growing up, I only saw The Exorcist on TV. I didn't realize until the remastered version came out a few years ago how wild and vulgar it really was. Regan and the crucifix? Wow. It didn't seem like a 30 year old movie, which is a testament to its greatness. One of the funniest parts about Austin Powers 2 was when his chair was spinning out of control and he says "I need an old priest and a young priest. May the power of Christ compel you."

Did I go completely off topic? Forgive me, please. :P


The Exorcist is one of my favorites too, but I think the prequel will actually help, because there was a lot of stuff that went unexplained in the original, such as the demon inside Regan claimed to be Satan, I think the filmakers could have maybe expounded on that aspect a little more, there are a few more little "holes" that could be filled, but "Exorcist" was a great movie nontheless.


Oh, but you know what sequal I'm looking forward to.............Alien Vs. Predator!!!! Oh Yeah, I saw a preview for that in the theaters, it looks so awesome! I can't wait.

  • 2 weeks later...

Indiana Jones 4!

Exorcist: The Beginning (prequel to The Exorcist!)

Sandlot 2---and 4 more after that!

Terminator 4 (saw that comin)

If they don't star Harrison Ford, the Indiana Jones movie is going to be a joke, do you remember "Adventures of Young Indiana Jones"??

They should've stopped before the first Sandlot movie was made, those were pretty awful.

Exorcist had 2 sequels already, & they were both labeled as flops, they did nothing to spark the horror of the original.

Terminator needs to wait another decade, like the previous sequels intervals in order to work, besides it's going to be hard to cast Arnie after his political term.

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