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The Heart Of Peace-A Review

Uncle Joe

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Some months back, well before the Christmas Holiday you may recall some discussion here concerning a book of poems written by our friend and fellow Songfactor, Ron Beam (Steel2Velevet). The book is titled The Heart Of Peace. Ron was kind enough to share that title poem with us here in the creative writing thread.

I ordered the book around Christmastime and received it shortly after the new year. I've since read it a number of times. Ron had asked if I'd be so kind as to offer my thoughts on his book. I'm happy to do so, though somewhat belatedly.

In his own forward the author says,"It is my desire that as you read this book, Peace shall enfold your heart." And so it does.

When I saw that one of the very first poems in the book is titled, "Ocean" I opened directly to it and read it. That poem and the beautiful illustration on the facing page immediately brought me to a serene, peaceful place. It prepared me well for the poems that followed.

Most of the poems that followed gently painted a masterwork of how nature combines with our heart to bring serenity and peace to our soul. Some of the poems are titled: Genius In The Breeze; God's Garden; Butterfly; Fields; Seashell; and Peaceful Village to name just a few. The accompanying illustrations and photographs work in perfect harmony with the words on the pages.

Particularly poignant and touching is "Daddy". The author remembers his father with forgiveness, acceptance, appreciation and most of all, love.

I'm not much of a reviewer but to the folks here at SF who have exchanged thoughts and messages with me I recommend this book of poems. Anyone who has read Ron's posts here knows that he is a gifted observer and chronicler of peace and love.

His writing is warm and gentle and revealing and even instructional.

If you want to read the book I'm sure Ron will tell you how to get it. Sorry, you can't borrow mine. I'm sending it to Ron and asking him to autograph it and return it to me.

Ron, thank you.

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I recieved my copy at much the same time Joe! Thank you for giving me the push to say something about this lovely book.

I don't know a lot of fancy words. I know what moves me and makes me feel. Ron's poems do that. For better or worse. I can relate in my own way to many of these poems. They make me think, and feel, something important to me. "Fields" is probably the most meaningful to me. It brings back good childhood memories. It makes me think of standing at the edge of the field, checking the maple leaves, to see if they'd turned. Sure sign of rain. The feeling of the wind coming up. A feeling nice to remember.

There's a spot where Ron mention's the economy of words. If I may:

"Love and Truth

Are the same word

Only when spelling

Is there a distinction"

Ron, I hope the quote is alright. This is just it.

I keep the book beside the bed with a couple others, and read something every night. Reading just one poem makes me feel peace in my heart. I also thank you.

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