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99 Luftballons


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Hiya all! Just a quick question. I translated the penultimate verse of "99 Luftballons" the other day, and I got this:

99 war ministers,

Matches and petrol cans,

Thought that they were clever people,

Already smelled greasy loot,

Shouted: War, and wanted power,

Man, who would have thought,

That one day it would come to this,

Because of 99 balloons.

I don't think this is correct...can anyone help? Here's the original German lyrics:

99 Kriegsminister,

Streichholz und Benzinkanister,

Hielten sich fuer schlaue Leute,

Witterten schon fette Beute,

Riefen: Krieg und wollten Macht,

Mann, wer haette das gedacht,

Dass es einmal soweit kommt,

Wegen 99 Luftballons.

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Thanks. The link was usefull, but they seem to have got the same thing! Carl, I was the person who sent in the German lyrics, because the lyrics that were on there were for a compleatly different song. 99 Luftballons and 99 Red balloons have compleatly different lyrics! :)

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