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Introduce and Frapper Map yourself here

Henry David

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hi everyone. i did not know where to introduce myself and i am sorry if i posted in the wrong place. i have been a fan of music because my parents were. my dad was a lead guitar player 4 a rock band and my mom played violin for an orcrestor. I just want to say ty for accepting me in this community and i will try to add comments better than the one i just did. i will read more and learn. I am sorry again if i posted this in the wrong place and if i did then maybe someone could move it to the right place?


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No worries, there's a thread for introductions somewhere, but it oddly seems to be missing. Or else I'm really tired. :P Anyway, this is just fine. Welcome to SF, and we're pleased to meet you! :)

A word of warning .... hold on to your lunch money, no matter what Sammy tells you. ;)

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...there's a thread for introductions somewhere, but it oddly seems to be missing...

I found it.

It's under the Random Thoughts heading where it always was, but it was buried on page 3.

I remember it used to be "sticky" to keep it at the top of the first page, but someone unstickified it long ago for some reason unknown.

Can a moderator of Random Thoughts please make the "Introduce Yourself" thread "sticky" again so it remains at the top of page 1 where it belongs?

Here it is:

Introduce Yourself

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Can a moderator of Random Thoughts please make the "Introduce Yourself" thread "sticky" again so it remains at the top of page 1 where it belongs?

I was able to sticky the thread, so it's up top, but I'm not a moderator in either of these 2 threads to move n2d's intro.

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hi guys. thanx for moving my mistake into the right place. Glad everything got sorted out. :)

i got plenty of snacks for sammy and phil. just check the pumpkin in the avatar. I was gonna post an avatar of a school cafeteria but i felt this one was more suitable for halloween tradition ;)

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