Batman Posted May 24, 2004 Report Posted May 24, 2004 I would say Kazaa. Its free and got a great selection. My least favorite is Rhapsody. If you put the songs on CDs, they skip, and they have a VERY limited selection. They had hardly any classic rock. In fact, they didn't have ANY Led Zeppelin, one of the greatest rock bands ever, but they DID have Dread Zeppelin, who I guess does covers of their songs, and parodys
_Jayson_ Posted May 24, 2004 Report Posted May 24, 2004 I use WinMX. Very good selection, and quick downloads. My high is 160 KB/s.
Tenacious_Peaches Posted May 24, 2004 Report Posted May 24, 2004 I like Kazaa. Although I am terrified to download much anymore...just the occasional song. It would be my luck to d/l something and the Feds show up at my door!
_Jayson_ Posted May 24, 2004 Report Posted May 24, 2004 Well to my understanding, you can download all you want, as long as you dont "share" the music. "Sharing" meaning uploading. So if anyone is uploading from you, then there is a slight possibility that you might hear a knock. ::
Opiate Posted May 24, 2004 Report Posted May 24, 2004 For Kazaa users: When you are applying your "settings" all you have to do is disable your sharing and you will be fine! If you are not sharing..."they" can't find you.
Tenacious_Peaches Posted May 24, 2004 Report Posted May 24, 2004 I know, but I am still paranoid. If I am going to get busted, I want it to be for something good! I've always said that I was going to Graceland and get arrested for throwing myself on his grave and causing a major scene. For no good reason other than to be completely obnoxious!
Brian Posted May 24, 2004 Report Posted May 24, 2004 Well, I prefer the legal, legit route so I am using MusicMatch. It downloads in a Windows Media Format which also plays in my car and home stereo. Ideally, I would prefer a LEGAL mp3 download site, though. On the same subject, does anyone have a music player that plays CD?s without the second gap between songs? For instance, CD?s like Queensryche Operation Mindcrime; Pink Floyd?s The Wall and many others have songs that are ?stitched? together so the song changes but the music continues playing. Well, if I play these CD?s on my computer the MM player always put a one second gap of silence in between songs. It is starting to get very annoying! Thanks in advance.
Batman Posted May 25, 2004 Author Report Posted May 25, 2004 In reply to Tenacious Peaches, if I ever get arrested, I want to get arrested for running up during a Good Charlotte concert and kicking the lead singers in the balls. That would make my day. Or maybe for peeing on the white house.
cindy17838 Posted May 26, 2004 Report Posted May 26, 2004 Well to my understanding, you can download all you want, as long as you dont "share" the music. "Sharing" meaning uploading. So if anyone is uploading from you, then there is a slight possibility that you might hear a knock. :: Recently, within the past month, an appeals court struck down the ruling by a lower court that internet providers have to turn over the names of their subscribers who could possible be downloading or uploading music. SBC, Verizon and the other providers are very happy about this ruling because it means less of a hassle for them and protects privacy, so until that decision is overturned by an even higher court you can share files at will, uploading as well as downloading. Here's a moral delima that I have been trying to figure out. I won't throw a coke can out of a car window but have no problem copying pirated software and music on to my computer. I'm an amature graphic artist (no one wants to pay me for my work) and have the entire Adobe Creative Suite on my computer. I got these programs from a friend who works at a university where he also illegally copied them. The Adobe CS costs close to $2000 and would be more if you include all the Macromedia stuff I also copied. Does that make me a felon? Should I not be admitting to this in writing? Is something wrong with my internal moral compass? Just some questions, please don't turn me in.
jippers Posted May 26, 2004 Report Posted May 26, 2004 Best off going for great unsigned talent releasing their music on the internet for free. Some For something a little off the wall - Songs To Wear Pants To Lots Of Great Australian Music
_Jayson_ Posted May 26, 2004 Report Posted May 26, 2004 Well I'm guilty of stuff like that. I have the entire Microsoft Office, that i for free. ::
cindy17838 Posted May 27, 2004 Report Posted May 27, 2004 I use Kazza for downloading. I forgot to mention that since that was the point of post, best downloads. Jayson, do you feel guilty for MS Office. I feel none at all for my graphics programs or all the music. Maybe its some type of desire to 'get back at the man' or something, that I have on some level. Often when something goes wrong and I'm with a group of people I will joke that "it's just another attempt by the man to keep us down." Like when I'm at Wrigley for a game and the ushers are watching all the isles that lead to the seats closest to the field. They won't let you down there even if there are plenty of empty seats. "There's plenty of seats, why can't they let us go down there, it's just another attempt by the man to keep us down." I know it's not an original phrase, SNL, but it's usually funny to say. I'm just concerned that some of that type of thinking might actually be in my head, otherwise I wouldn't have a problem throwing a soda can out of a car window which legally is far less serious of a crime than installing pirated software on my computer.
_Jayson_ Posted May 27, 2004 Report Posted May 27, 2004 I have no bad feelings at all towards it. Just like I feel no guilt when I buy or sell burned CD's. Heck, I wanted to get a burned copy of Windows XP, but then I thought I might somehow get caught for that one. But that commercial that I always see saying something like "If you buy or sell pirated copies of...", It kind of makes me think twice about it, but I always go back to doing it.
Sandra27 Posted May 27, 2004 Report Posted May 27, 2004 I just want to download music. I like when it is going fast and that most files are actually working besides that I do not want to do all kind of nerd-things. For that I am very very happy with zultrax.
Catherine Posted May 27, 2004 Report Posted May 27, 2004 How much can we say here and not incriminate ourselves? Is this entrapment? Is someone going to get our IP addresses and sell them to the RIAA? :: Sure, we download, and we do it a lot, but not from a peer to peer site. We have literally thousands of music mp3's, and every movie that comes out in the theater is ours in a day or two. Recent movies we downloaded were Shrek 2, Troy, The Godsend and Van Helsing. Passion of the Christ came on Ash Wednesday; we watched it that Saturday night. We are not, and would not ever sell any movie or music CD's; everything is for our personal use only. Do I feel bad? Hell NO...not when going to one movie with my son and husband can cost over $60.00. Who's guilty of highway robbery? "Not I", said the cinematically and musically ecstatic! My mp3's range from 192 to 320 kbp's.
cindy17838 Posted May 28, 2004 Report Posted May 28, 2004 My mp3's range from 192 to 320 kbp's. Who are you downloading from? I don't know where to get movies, and my best speed with Kazza hovers around 100?
_Jayson_ Posted May 28, 2004 Report Posted May 28, 2004 My cable internet provider says I have the 3MB/s service, but I've never got anyware close to that. Even on, I get about 500KB/s.
boysetsfire Posted July 5, 2004 Report Posted July 5, 2004 :rockon:i think downloading music is junk not as good quality and if your downloading your favorite band then your making their life harder by taking money form them that they need as much as you and i i have over 180 cds and not one of them is burned or stolen i bought them all theres no better feeling then knowing what your doing to help other could help you in the long run what if you were a signer would you want you music being stolen by millions of people every day just think of all the money you would lose granted most people dont do it for the money they do it because they love it but they need to make a living also i have been a victim of having my own work stolen it sux because this piece could be real popular but i guess it dont matter because im getting no credit for it it almost makes you wanna kick the living helll out of the person/peoples that are doing it. dont be so stingy with your money go out and buy cds
cockrocker788 Posted July 5, 2004 Report Posted July 5, 2004 :rockon:i think downloading music is junk not as good quality and if your downloading your favorite band then your making their life harder by taking money form them that they need as much as you and i i have over 180 cds and not one of them is burned or stolen i bought them all theres no better feeling then knowing what your doing to help other could help you in the long run what if you were a signer would you want you music being stolen by millions of people every day just think of all the money you would lose granted most people dont do it for the money they do it because they love it but they need to make a living also i have been a victim of having my own work stolen it sux because this piece could be real popular but i guess it dont matter because im getting no credit for it it almost makes you wanna kick the living helll out of the person/peoples that are doing it. dont be so stingy with your money go out and buy cds How much did the record companies pay you to say that?
Jimmy1104 Posted July 5, 2004 Report Posted July 5, 2004 Hey Boysetfire....I am with you on your thoughts. You are right. I personally own over 700 Cd's and each one has been paid for. I only burn CD's for myself with the music I have paid for. I also agree the sound quality of what I have heard does not even come close to the digital quality of an original CD. I wonder how many of the folks that download free music would walk into a record shop and shoplift CD's. I would think it is equivalent with the only exception being there is noone watching you at home.
michellenw Posted July 5, 2004 Report Posted July 5, 2004 Happy to be Canadian... We can do all the downloading we want and no one can say or do anything about it. But I do agree with buying CDs. But now there should be incentive to buy, like a DVD, or somthing extra.
MuzikTyme Posted July 5, 2004 Report Posted July 5, 2004 I wonder how many of the folks that download free music would walk into a record shop and shoplift CD's. I would think it is equivalent with the only exception being there is noone watching you at home. I personally own over 700 Cd's and each one has been paid for. Hmmm, I've downloaded many CDs before all of the legal stuff hit the fan. I can't say that now it would be the same as downright shoplifting but morally it is dishonest. I wouldn't classify a music downloader as a shoplifter and thinking that of the good members of this forum is worse than downloading. With your philosophy then I guess it's wrong to tape a movie on TV or take a picture of the Grand Canyon? We can't put tourist shops out of business now can we? You've got 700 CDs you bought? Well good for you! Is there a point you are trying to make? You think you're the only one in the world to have ever bought anything? Not sure about the assessments on sound quality as mine are indistinguishable from originals. I miss downloading as it's all I used to do.
MindCrime Posted July 5, 2004 Report Posted July 5, 2004 Most of my music, I own on CD from some time ago, but for today's music, when they can start making CD's that have more than 2 good songs on them, then yeah I'll start paying for my music again.
MuzikTyme Posted July 5, 2004 Report Posted July 5, 2004 Ain't it the truth. I'll hear a song that I like and go out an buy the CD. Then, I'll get home and the rest of the CD sounds like a totally different band and I ask myself: "How in the world can a band produce one good song and completely fail on the others? Answer: $$$
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