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Dark Side of the MOVIE???


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Yes, they were originally working on a soundtrack to Zabriske Point, but the director was very picky, and wore them out. So a lot of the songs got reworked to be in their jam session concert, called Eclipse, that would later become Dark Side of The Moon. There is a DVD of the making of DSoTM, and it shows Rick Wright not knowing his chord theory. It was adorable.

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Chris is right, only there was just a couple of tunes. I also remember that DSOTM was called "Eclipse" before it was released. Besides, "Zabriskie Point" is from 1970 while DSOTM was released in 1973.

"A piano piece composed by Richard Wright of Pink Floyd for the 'violent scene' went unused, but was later reworked by the band as "Us and Them" on their album "Dark Side of the Moon". This is a quote from the "Zabriskie Point" video info.

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