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What the BLEEP do we know?


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Well...i checked this movie out on IMDB...and it looked good...Its about science...about the brain.

Its...the kind of documentary they would play in a college auditorium. Thats it...hands down.

They Denounce God...they replace him as a Figment of our imagination.

They believe if we could harness the power of our brains...we could be Gods ourselves.

Its not good AT ALL! Well...For Christians or anybody who believes in God...

On the other hand IMO it offers alot of misunderstood insight to the workings of the brain. Very scientific movie.

Its good if you wanna go to a movie and THINK the entire time...not for a bag of popcorn and a 44 oz. drink.


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you being a person...are you entitled to your own opinion?

Cause...no offense...i dont think that the world thinks of you any different than any other person.

So...if MOST people are ignorant....you are a person....therefore YOU are ignorant....and shouldnt be entitled to your own opinion, same as all of us here.

Forums are places to put an opinion...are we ignorant for doing it...NO!

So...why would an aetheist movie be bad? It wouldnt...Christians made The Passion...and TONS of other movies just like it...Democrats made Fahrenheit 911....Jewish made Fiddler on the Roof....

Every different kind of religous organization has movies or Documentaries about them...you RARELY see Aethiest movies...

We gotta give everybody a chance...as long as they dont make too much trouble!

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You know, I was reading about the film "Saved" starring Mandy Moore (in a Homer Simpson drooling voice - aaahh -Mandy Moore) ::

And I was actually reading reviews by christians ages 18-34 (the demographics they were shooting for) and I found it rather interesting to read. Without going into tremendous detail - most thought it was funny and very UN-offensive! While older christians (40-60) thought it WAS offensive. Curiously interesting -- don't ya think?

I am a strong believer! My faith is never wavered by controversy. Anyone can say whatever they want... I encourage "opinions without denigration"


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