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"Moon Zero Two"


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And now for something completely different. YouTube recommendations can verge on the bizarre; this popped up while I was looking for something about the "Firefly 10th Anniversary: Browncoats Unite" TV program. Submitted for a ROTFLMAO moment, with a 1969 movie about the year 2021. The Moon is more like a strip mall than the amusement park of Y3K "Futurama." A Big Shot is aiming to score a jewel-infested asteroid on "the dark side of the Moon." It's been described as a "Space Western," and it looks no better/worse than Netflix' clusterfork, "Cowboy Bebop." So put on your gun belt, there's some shooting to be done on the Moon.;)

Firefly 10th Anniversary: Browncoats Unite

Edited by Otokichi
Take my Love, take my Land. Take me where I cannot stand...
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