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What Should The West Do About Isil?


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Almost everyday we hear about new atrocities committed by Islamic State fighters. Clearly the aerial bombardment carried out by Nato members has only slowed down the advance of ISIL forces. What more can or should the West do to eradicate these vermin from the face of the earth?

Should western nations simply stop expending resources to deal with what often seems to be an insoluble problem or should they commit ground troops to try to put an end to ISIL?

I wish I had an answer. I feel for all the innocents whose lives have been irreparably harmed by these barbarians. Will there ever be peace or stability in this part of the world?

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I have no idea. I don't understand much about politics, I don't care, I don't trust them at all anymore. Besides I'm jewish so I also wonder what will the Big Leaders do to get us out of this one. I hope it won't start a WWIII. I don't think so... but I hate them. I'd drop an H bomb on all this insane trash. But I can't. I'd kill inocents. Where the hell is the famous Mossad when we need it?

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I can think of so many reasons why the U.S. should lay waste to Iran (and some other Middle East countries also), and those reasons go all the way back to the hostage crisis of 1979. For reasons that continue to elude me, one President after another has failed to simply do what needs to be done with that country. There is a mental disease afflicting a majority of Americans; the need to be liked by as many people as possible, not to be seen as “mean”. So whether it is our immigration policies (illegal or legal), or our socialist policies, or our foreign policies (or lack of), we prefer to roll over and play dead, pathetically giving away the keys to the store in the process. I wonder if anyone has noticed that they still don’t like us, even after decades of our forbearance. Our other mental disease is the thinking that people in that part of the world “just want to be free”. Can we please stop that? If they really want to be free, then let them sort it out for themselves. Just because they don’t like their current dictators does not mean they like the U.S. It’s really not that sort of binary proposition. Why do we have no self-respect or cultural confidence anymore? Iran is going to get the bomb, and if they can get one, they can get another, and another, and another . . . . What will we do then? I predict that within 10 years the vast majority of Americans will be wishing, painfully wishing, that some President along the way would have made the tough decision to make Iran uninhabitable. Preventing problems in the first place is so much easier than solving them later.

That's my rant for the day.... :soapbox:

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Although I hate the Iranian government, I don't believe that laying waste to Iran is the solution. Many Iranians hate their government and wish they had more progressive and moderate leaders. Besides, a nuclear attack on Iran would turn the entire Islamic world and most civilized countries against the US and probably serve as the catalyst for a conflict of global proportions.

Sometimes I wish we could just erect a 100 metre high wall around the entire Middle East (excluding Israel) and let them hash out their own problems with no outside interference.

Now I'll get up on my own soapbox. I really wish that Europe would stop using Israel as its personal whipping boy. It was several European countries which were among the parties that conceived the plan to partition Palestine and create a Jewish homeland, all in an attempt to assuage their collective guilt over their complicity in the Holocaust. Despite this, when Israel defends itself from attacks, the Europeans always find a way to blame Israel for the situation. Twice before the Palestinians walked away from deals that would have given them an independent Palestinian state, which they have disingenuosly claimed is their goal. In reality, the only thing many Palestinians and Arabs want is the complete destruction of Israel. In 1937, the Peel Commission recommended the partition of Palestine to create a Jewish state in their ancestral homeland. The Arab nations said no and aligned themselves with the Nazis and cheered the attempted extermination of the Jews in Europe. So forgive me if I tend not to see the Palestinians as victims of an insidious Zionist plot. They are the victims of their own misguided leaders and the other Arab nations which have never lifted a finger to help them.

Here endeth the rant.

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I believe Israel will do just fine....

Zechariah 12 (NIV)

1 The Lord, who stretches out the heavens, who lays the foundation of the earth, and who forms the human spirit within a person, declares: 2 “I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. 3 On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. 4 On that day I will strike every horse with panic and its rider with madness,” declares the Lord. “I will keep a watchful eye over Judah, but I will blind all the horses of the nations. 5 Then the clans of Judah will say in their hearts, ‘The people of Jerusalem are strong, because the Lord Almighty is their God.’

6 “On that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot in a woodpile, like a flaming torch among sheaves. They will consume all the surrounding peoples right and left, but Jerusalem will remain intact in her place.

7 “The Lord will save the dwellings of Judah first, so that the honor of the house of David and of Jerusalem’s inhabitants may not be greater than that of Judah. 8 On that day the Lord will shield those who live in Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the Lord going before them. 9 On that day I will set out to destroy all the nations that attack Jerusalem.

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So forgive me if I tend not to see the Palestinians as victims of an insidious Zionist plot. They are the victims of their own misguided leaders and the other Arab nations which have never lifted a finger to help them.

Amen. And now it's trendy to be political correct, mainly in Europe, where they hate jews and americans. I wonder why I live in Europe...

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You are a sweetheart, Helena. If the world had more people like you in it, the world would be a far better place.

I agree, Zep. The Israelis are a very resilient and resourceful people. It would be nice, however, if some of Israel's reputed allies could be supportive occasionally instead of accusatory.

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Hélène, it's not just Europe who hate Americans. About 90% of the world don't have a very high opinion of them.

As for the Jewish: just be glad they don't have the reputation of the Catholic priests.

Oy vey!! :doh:

btw: If I lived in Iran or any other country, then I would be concerned about the politics there. But I'm in Canada so I focus my attention on our politics & troubles. We have a group of radicals gaining strength, but I'd hate to be blown up simply because of a few bad eggs. Dropping bombs on law-abiding civilians in any country doesn't solve anything.

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I know. But I cannot say what I think, you'd call me a monster.

Say whatever you want! I saw 2 people say that wiping Iran off the map would be best. I don't think that's a good idea. It's just my two cents though. What others say, think, believe, etc is not for me to judge. I can't stop anyone from voicing their opinions.

I express myself and so should others. Let your voices be heard or just rant to let the stress go. I didn't mean to attack anyone with my post. I was just saying my piece.

A question was asked to start the thread & people are saying what they want. Everyone has a different personality and mindset so sharing views makes for an interesting discussion. At least I hope that's what this thread is for. :smirk:

No one here is a monster! :grin:

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When they dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima it ended the war. There was no other way, to go on with the fight would have costed much more deaths.

I think Mr. Eisenhower knew what he was doing.

Now we have a big threat and they hide like cockroaches and they are really dangerous people. I'd drop a bomb if that will bring peace.

Now, you can call me a monster... :P

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You are certainly not a monster, Helena. We are all entitled to our opinions.

I hope we've progressed beyond the need to drop thermonuclear weapons on our enemies, but truthfully, I don't know what, if anything can be done to end the sectarian violence in the Middle East. The hate, prejudice and intolerance have existed there for so long, they have become ingrained. No matter how much we long for positive change in the Middle East, democracy cannot be imposed from without or at the end of a gun.

Maybe we just need to bolster our defences and improve our intelligence gathering capabilities and leave the residents of the region to sort out their own differences.

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Not a monster, Edna. What you stated is very true. The bomb ended the war. Unfortunately the destruction a bomb dropped in Iran would hurt alot of surrounding countries. Hiroshima is a little more secluded as far as neighboring countries go. No politician has the guts to try something so risky. It may end troubles in Iran but could provoke retaliation from several other countries.

Rock & a hard place. :couch:

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If the war starts breaking out into attempts to conquer several other countries then there should be action taken from the more powerful nations to put a stop to it (I hope!!)

Until then I believe most government officials are thinking just like your Spanish friends. If it stays "over there" then it isn't a priority.

I hate to say it, but being so far away from the conflict, I think the same way as your friends. I would probably have a different mindset if I lived so close, though.

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They said the same about Hitler. Chamberlain said "Oh, he's a gentleman!". As for me, they are not that far away, half of my family lives in Israel and my American family goes to the Synagogue and I feel like they might be targets as well, even if they live far from the Middle East. Not to mention what's happening in France... :thumbsdown:

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Well, yes, of course.

And it just gets worse. Sitting at the hospital waiting to get blood work done I saw on TV that a dozen more people were be-headed.

Disgusting. Of course it was on an American news channel so all coverage centered on one person from the US, but all the same it takes severely deranged psychopaths to perform such acts & display it for all to see.

Now that a US military aid has been flaunted it'll probably turn all US citizens into pro-war mode & Obama (along with the armed alliances) will have no choice but to listen and begin destroying every country "over there" whether they wipe out millions of innocent people in the process or not won't be a concern.

When all is left of the middle-east is a pile of ash then all of the "20-20 hindsight" analysts will suddenly become anti-war & say things weren't done properly.

Hmmm... sounds just like every war that's ever happened in history.

Just my rant for the day... :soapbox:

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The entire Middle East is a black hole. The Arabs hate the Jews and the Iranians(Persians), Shiites hate all non-Shiite Muslims, Sunni Muslims hate all non-Sunni Muslims and on and on it goes. Islam is a medieval religion predicated on violence. For all the apologists who claim that it is just a small minority of fanatics who are twisting the religion to suit their own purposes, I say bullsh*t. One just has to look at Nigeria, Mali, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan to see that almost anywhere in the world where there is widespread violence, it is being perpetrated in the name of Islam.

We need to jettison political correctness and call a spade a spade. Islam is a cancer. If we are not careful, it will rot and corrupt our society from within. It may already be too late for Europe. Decades of lax immigration policies will probably be Europe's undoing. Western governments should accept no refugees, asylum seekers or legitimate applicants from any countries where Islam is the primary religion. At least until those countries show respect for human rights and purge themselves of all their barbaric practices.

That's my rant for the day. Who's up next? :soapbox: :susel:

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They keep gaining ground and (somehow) people's support in the middle east.

Al-Queda were nasty, but when even they break off relations because of the horrific violence... then you know it's getting out of hand. People are actually TRYING to join a group hated by every other country. Perhaps those citizens aren't so innocent. Or perhaps they're incredibly stupid.

Either way, it seems getting atomic on their asses is the only way out.

*had to read archived local newspaper to compare numbers. they grow stronger by the day in area & support. insane!*

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Countries that keep their people poor, isolated and ignorant are basically breeding terrorists. If the middle east is truly committed to ending terrorism, they need to improve the lives of their people and allow every citizen the opportunity to go to school, work and have a purpose to their life. Otherwise, they will be easily brainwashed by these animals.

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I couldn't agree more. However, they can't put aside their sectarian hatred long enough to accomlish anything worthwhile. Hatred and violence have become the region's raison d'etre. Until people learn to put aside their bigotry, hatred and antiquated beliefs, the cycle of violence will never end.

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